Chapter 18

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Once we finish eating, we just go back to our hotel rooms. Since this trip is all-inclusive, we don't have to pay for anything, as long as we're in this resort. It feels really strange walking away from a meal that has been left "unpaid". Sometimes Mitch has to remind me that I don't have to pay.

Once we've taken the elevator back to the fourth floor, all four of us enter Mitch and I's room. Mitch sits on my bed, with his laptop in hand and I sit next to him. Jessica sits in the small couch and Alanna sits on the arm of the couch. We all pull out our phones (except for Mitch, he has his laptop) and connect to the free WiFi, as we all begin browsing the internet. After a few minutes, someone speaks up.

"Okay, I found a few things to do at this resort. There are the obvious things, like swimming and going to the beach. It says here that there's also snorkeling, surfing and deep sea diving. Those are the things that sound the most interesting. Here, someone look." Jessica says, as she hands her phone out. Mitch takes her phone and scrolls on it a bit.

"Yeah, those seem cool. I'll check the weather for today, then we can go from there." Mitch utters as he opens a new tab on his laptop. I open the weather app on my iPhone before Mitch's laptop loads the page.

"Eighty-seven degrees." I blurt out before he can stop me. I love having a phone that's faster than his laptop, because I can do stuff like that. I know he hates it.

"WHY? Every fucking time!!" He shrieks.

"It's what I'm here for." I retaliate.

"Well, while you're at it, you can find that temperature but in degrees CELSIUS! Canadians don't use Fahrenheit." He states as if he's the most knowledgable Canadian that ever lived.

"Goddammit! Canadians are weird." I complain, even though I'm speaking the truth. I mean, milk in a bag? Why is that a thing?! (A/N: I'm actually Canadian so I'm not trying to offend anyone with this statement. I felt like this just needed to be said XD Also, I don't use milk bags. MILK JUGS FTW)

Mitchstares at me without saying anything for a while. Then, he opens his mouth to speak. What he says next is clear and confident, but bugs me none the less.

"Calmly." He says in his usual weird pronunciation.

"NO! That's not how you say it!! That's just bad! You're bad!" I yell at him. Of course, that doesn't stop Mitch from continuing to annoy me further.

"Garage, lasagna, almonds, lava, massage, palm tree!!" He exclaims as he leans closer to me with every words he mispronounces.

"What are you even saying?" Jessica chuckles as she roll her eyes.

"Words! Words that for some reason everyone questions me about!" He tries to argue his side as he gestures his hands in my direction.

"It's so true, everyone calls him out on the way he says certain things! It's fucking hilarious because he always has to explain it to them." I mock.

"It's so annoying! You have no idea." Mitch says as he continues to rant on about his 'problems' as a Canadian.

"Ahem, free health care? Also, same-sex marriage is legal everywhere in Canada! We Americans don't have that luxury." I scoff as I cross my arms.

"Yeah, that actually really pisses me off." Jessica agrees.

"It's legal in Jersey and Pennsylvania, which I guess is all that matters to us." I point out, basically retaliating my own statement from earlier.

"Yeah, but what about conventions? PAX South is in a few weeks and it's in Texas. I'm pretty sure Texas hasn't legalized gay marriage yet. They barely support gay relationships, let alone marriages." Mitch says.

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