Chapter 2

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After the shenanigans that just happened with Mitch, I decided to go cook some food. I wander into the kitchen and head to the fridge. I open the fridge door, only to see a few things inside; some canadian bacon, some ketchup, a few bell peppers and a dozen eggs. Typical Mitch. He loves omelettes. I close the fridge door only to hear a husky voice from behind me. "Mhm?"

I turn around and see Mitch leaning against the doorframe, holding a piece of paper in his hand. I walk towards him and take the paper from him. I read it out loud.

"Jerome will make food for Mitch."

"If you say so, buddy," he replies. He gives me a hug then walks upstairs.

"I'm gonna go record a quick episode of Cops and Robbers with a few people, okay? Call me when the food's ready."

"You got it, buddy."

Once Mitch closes the door to his room, I realize that I'm alone. I begin to think to myself. I think about how fun it was to just be silly with Mitch and have fun for a bit, without computers in front of our eyes. This thought leads me to think about how Mitch felt when were dueling. He seemed like he was having fun as well.

How did we get into that situation, anyway? I try to think harder about what happened before we started to chase each other, but all I can think about are Mitch's facial expressions. I ponder on this thought as I cut bell peppers and onions into cubes and crack eggs into a pan on the stove.

After a good minute of pondering, I realize what had caused that situation. The fanfiction. That story that was written by a crazy teenage fangirl who watches our every move. Even though that may sound creepy, I like her for doing that. It was really sweet of her to take time out of her day to write a story about us, even though the story was a little... graphic. Personally, I liked the story.

I was really surprised when I heard myself think that. Why would I like that story? Do I have a secret fetish for graphic sex scenes? Do I have a fetish for people carrying others bridal style? Do I have a fetish for... Mitch?

Pfft, no way! Mitch is Mitch, he's my best friend. We've been best friends since 4th grade, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, it would be awkward dating my best friend. Would that ruin our relationship? Would we no longer be friends? There's only one way to find out, and that one way is to ask him.

But, that will never happen. I like girls! Girls with booties! And boots with the fur!

Then again, Mitch always wears boots with the fur in our Hunger Games together, even if he has iron boots on him. He knows I like it. Also, he does have a booty. In game and in real life.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I liked Mitch. Just a little bit. I won't tell him, because it would just be a secret between me and myself. He doesn't need to know.

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