Chapter 16

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I feel so broken. Knowing that Mitch and Jessica seem to have fallen in love with each other right in front of me, it really kills me inside. It's like that time when Mitch kissed me while he was drunk and I hooked up with Louise because I didn't have anyone else at the time. It felt good, knowing that someone loved me. I'll probably end up hooking up with some other random girl again. It's just what I do.

Oh god, I sound like such a slut. Most likely because I am one.

I never thought that I would end up being one of those people who just jumped from relationship to relationship because they felt like it. Wait, I'm NOT one of those people. I'm one of those people jumps from relationship to relationship because they have had their heart broken by the same person over and over again.

Who am I kidding? I've only liked Mitch about a month. He told me he liked me for half a year. Or not. I guess he just liked the thought of having a partner who he knew really well. I guess not anymore.

I'm just really fucking confused right now. I don't even know what to think anymore.

A hand in front of my face is what jolts me back to consciousness, scaring the absolute shit out of me. I must've been really deep in my thoughts.

"You good?" I hear Alanna ask as my eyes focus on her, noticing that she's leaning down towards me.

"What? Oh, yeah. Just kind of zoned out." I mumble in response.

"It's all good. I'm ready to go." She states as she stands up straight and slides her feet into some dark navy flip flops that are laying on the floor in front of her. She grabs her towel from her bed and drapes it over her arm as she walks over to the door and swings it open. I leave my phone on the small couch before I get up and walk by the bed that Mitch and Jessica were making out on, stopping to just notice now that's its empty. They must be waiting for us outside. I better get going. I begin to wander over to the door and gently pull the knob, swinging the light door open and emerging into the hallway.

~Time skip because the story's getting boring~

We just got back from swimming the night away. It's a little over two in the morning and we left the pool around ten minutes ago. I just got back to my room five minutes ago because I hung out with Alanna in her room a little bit after I retrieved my cell phone.

We spent over six hours switching from the pool to the hot tub, then back to the pool, and so forth. It was also really cool watching the sunset in the hot tub with some of my best friends, and Jessica.

I'm still really butthurt that Jessica has stolen Mitch away from me, but she's a really nice person and I shouldn't dislike her. I just do because of the whole Mitch thing. I know it's something I need to overcome.

Now I'm just sitting on my bed, staring off into space like usual as I wait for Mitch to finish getting ready so I can turn the lights off and get some sleep. After being on a plane for so long all day and spending the entire evening in a chlorinated pool until my eyeballs practically burned off, I need some rest.

A tall figure passes before my blurry vision which brings me back to awareness. Mitch. He inserts his phone charger into the plug on the wall and drops his phone on the armrest of the small couch, before turning around to face me. He shoves on my shoulder which causes me to fall on my bed and laugh. He smirks at me as he continues back to his bed and throws his suitcase on the floor, next to his dresser. I blink rapidly, still having a little difficulty focusing my eyes. Once my eyesight is fully restored, I sit up and watch Mitch. He's wearing a red v-neck shirt which sits on his chest and shoulders nicely, along with some red and grey checkered pajama pants. He's also wearing his flamingo slippers. Adorable.

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