chapter twenty five

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"What do you mean, pregnant with his child? What proves do you have?" Jaehyun stomps over to Kiko which causes Kiko to stumble back and fall on the stone bench located just beside the stairs. Susan pulled Jaehyun back and shake her head, telling him it's not worth it. "I am pregnant with his child!" Mark and I exchanged glances. Something seems fishy, her stomach doesn't look natural the way how pregnant women is. It's like she is using a fake bump. Mark leans into my ear, "What if she is faking it?" I shrugged. The school bell rang which means it's time for us to get to class.

"We will deal with this later," Jaehyun glares at Kiko and walks away with Susan. Just as I was about to enter school, I felt a sudden grip on my wrist. "I will get Yuta back either way,"

"Well, you have to go through me," I smile and pull my wrist away from her grip. I could hear her snicker from behind as I was walking away. "We have to tell Yuta," I nod. As all four of us entered class, our seats were taken by a group of unfamiliar students. Jaehyun walked up to them and places his bag on the table. "You're in my seat, move,"

"Tsk, this desk doesn't belong to you, and please don't act all mighty after what you have done to Kiko," All of us had our eyebrows furrowed, "What are you talking about? I didn't get Kiko pregnant,"

"We know, but one of your members do. And it's not Yuta." This time Mark steps forward and slams the table, causing everyone in the room to flinch and they went silent. "I suggest you leave, this is not your school, and this is not your class, you're in our seats, so move," They get up and smirked at us, "We will go, but until you find who made Kiko pregnant, we will make your life here a living hell," He pokes Mark's chest while saying, "Remember that,"

Susan and I quickly make our way to our seats and settle down before the homeroom teacher comes in. Mark and Jaehyun are looking super stressed. If it wasn't Yuta then who it is? And why do they make us find who is the culprit? And if NCT does find who made Kiko pregnant, what would they do? Do they know who made Kiko pregnant? And why does Kiko wants Yuta to be held responsible? All these questions kept popping up in my head and I have absolutely zero answers to each question.

"Hello! Earth to Lana?"

"Oh sorry, you were saying something?"

"Yeah, who do you think the one that made Kiko preggies if it wasn't Yuta?" I shrugged. Susan hums, "I have a feeling it's someone that they least expected. It could be one of them thou," Susan points to Mark and Jaehyun. Well, she is not wrong. I mean NCT does hold the bad boy reputation and besides, they get in almost every girl pants. And by every I mean everybody, so I'm not surprised if they ended up getting Kiko pregnant.

"Alright, class. Turn your textbook to chapter 5,"

After class, we head down to our locker to take our next class textbook. Everyone that passes down the hallway kept looking at us and every time they walk past us, they whisper amongst themselves. Susan got curious and dragged one of the passersby. "Okay, what is up with you guys whispering amongst yourself?" He gulped and look over to Jaehyun and Mark before leaning us closer to him. "Haven't you heard? The members of NCT made an outsider pregnant and they are protesting outside school! If I were you, I would stop being friends with them and save myself."


"What are they protesting about?" The guy gulps again and take a deep breath, "About the pregnancy and that the father should step forward,"

"They shouldn't even make this issue even bigger, thanks anyways," He nod and quickly walk away. I saw Taeyong walking towards us with his hands in his jacket and sighs. "Believe me, she just wants Yuta to step forward and hold responsibility for his 'child' but her brother wants the man that made her sister pregnant to step forward and hold responsibility for it. Just ignore this stupid mess, if it gets bigger, we will deal with it," We trail behind Taeyong to the next class and the door burst open when we were climbing up the stairs.

"Taeyong!" Everyone in the hallway looked over at him. The air in the hallway suddenly started becoming heavy and the tension is just horrible that everyone stopped what they were doing and stare. Taeyong sighs and turns his attention to the person that called out to him, "What, do you want?"

"Oh, you know what I want. And I want it right now. Give me the man that made my sister pregnant and we will leave," I could see Taeyong's posture had stiffened. Taeyong loves all 23 members in his gang. Yes 23, two more joined them because of personal reason. If he were to give up one of them, it means that he had to give up his own family. NCT is the reason why Taeyong is who he is today. They made him stronger and they are his pillar of support, losing one of them it would crush his world. "And what if I don't? What are you gonna do?"

"As I told Jaehyun and Mark, I will make your life in this high school, a living hell. So give me what I want and I will leave,"

"You think I'm going to give one of them up so easily? Over my dead body," He laughed and looks over at Taeyong, with a deadly look, "Taeyong, you make this very difficult for me and I hate dealing difficult situation. You know who did it, why are you protecting him?"

"He is family! That's why I'm protecting him!" Susan is already shaking from this tension because she has been holding my hands ever since that man came bursting open the door and called out to Taeyong. I want to move, I bet everyone in this room wants to leave and move but they can't because their body won't listen to them no matter how much they tried.

"He broke your law by making Kiko pregnant yet you are still protecting him? Family don't betray each other. I told you, you guys can date my sister, but if you made her pregnant, you crossed the line bro." The school bell rang. Everyone in the room was still glued to the floor not a single person is moving. We were all too scared to move. One wrong step and everyone in this room will get on their bad side. "Looks like you need to get your butt to class, don't worry, we will have reminders all around the school, if you don't give him up within 3 days, we are coming for him,"

He leaves and everyone in the hallway sigh in relief and quickly gets to class. The five of us decided to skip class and make our way to the cafeteria. As we were walking towards the cafeteria, posters of Taeyong and the guys were being put up on every wall. 'You know who did it' was also put up on every wall, lockers and doors.

"This is bad, really bad!"

"I can see that Mark! Stop pressuring me,"

"You're not gonna give him up are you?" Taeyong stops to his heel and turns around to look at us. There was a long pause before he starts walking away and finds an empty seat in the cafeteria. "Taeyong, you're not gonna give him up are you?"

"Mark, I don't know, okay, I don't know. I don't know." I sit beside Taeyong and grabs his hands. I give him a reassuring smile. "It's going to be fine, you can tell us who it is, we won't tell anyone. It's between us," The rest nods. Taeyong looks up to the rest of us before letting out a breath that he had been holding.

"It's me, I'm the one that gotten Kiko pregnant,"

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