chapter twenty one

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I didn't move or budge at all when he touched me, I just lay there on my side spacing out. "Lana? Did you hear what I said?" I nod and turn to the other side and smile at him. He cups my face and kissed my cheeks. Okay, this boy is getting bolder. James snuggles up with me and I cuddle with him. Yuta put both the twins back to their cribs and cuddle up with the both of us.

"I'm sorry, that is all I can say," Yuta nods and smile. He shuts his eyes to get some rest. I let out a sigh before shutting my eyes too.

Honey, wake up! It's time for dinner. I slowly open my eyes and stretch out my hands and legs. James does the same too. I didn't realise that I have been laying down on Yuta's chest. He must have shifted me to sleep on his chest since he probably doesn't want me hurting my neck by sleeping on the carpet floor. Yuta starts to move and slowly opened his eyes too. He looks at me tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, "It's not fair that you are so beautiful," my face turn red and I get off from his chest when he pulls me back down to lay on his arm. James has left with mum so it's just the two of us in the room excluding the twins. "Yuta, stop it, you clearly have forgotten our contract."

"Seriously? Again with the contract, I thought you have forgotten all about it?" I shake my head, "I don't and I take this bet very seriously now would you please let me go?" He lets go of me and I thanked him before going down to eat dinner. Yuta follows behind me and takes the seat opposite of me, I could tell that he was taken aback with what I said. "Yuta dear, what's the long face? I cooked Japanese food for you!"

"Ah! Thank you so much!" Yuta eats it and showed a thumbs up to mum. Maddy leans in and whispers, "What did you say to him that make him all sad and shocked?" I lean into her and whispers in her ear, "The Contract" Her eyes widen and continued eating. We talked for nearly two to three hours. Yuta thanked everyone for the meal and leave without looking back. I watched as his car vanished into the distance. I close the door and went to my room to wash up, "Yo Lana! After wash up, come back to the living room! We having siblings sleepover," I nod and quickly do my wash up and rush back downstairs to be with my siblings.

"What a day," I nod while playing with James's hair to make him fall asleep. "So you and Yuta? You guys seem awkward?"

"Yeah, we do," Anthony sits up and looks at me, "Why? What happened? Did the two of you fight? Or?" Maddy gives me the look, that looks that people always say, you should tell him. I sigh, "Me and Yuta, we aren't even a thing. I'm a bet" Anthony's brows furrowed, "A bet? What do you mean?" I told him everything from how he uses my brother and sister as a threat to be with him for 5 months. Everything from A to Z and that didn't quite put a smile on his face.

"You knew about it, Maddy? Is that why his face was so upset just now? Did you bring up the contract to him? Why Lana—"

"Because! I am starting to fall in love with him. I have to make him hate me so this feeling inside of me won't grow into something more." Anthony shakes his head and sigh, "Lana, you will fall in love again. If Yuta is the one for you, why not give it a chance. You can't reject what your hearts want. Your heart wants him. Your feelings are for him and only him. It takes time to confirm it but, you will always fall in love again. Trust me. Don't you dare say it won't happen cause it will." Anthony is right. But I would have to break up with him to see if my heart really does ache for him and would he do the same. But for now, its time to spend time with my family. After a long-ass conversation, the three of us finally drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I woke up, Anthony's words were still ringing in my head. Your heart wants him. Your feelings are for him and only him. "Why do I have to be stuck in this position! I'm tired of this!" Maddy groans and looks at me, "Dude, shut up. I'm trying to sleep here. Go scream and shout somewhere else" I sigh and make my way out of the front porch and stare out at the neighbourhood. A morning jog shall keep me off my mind! I quickly changed my outfit and sneakily went out to have a morning jog.

Somehow, I ended up at Chenle's sister yoghurt shop. Its open at 10 am? Great! "Welcome!" I smile at the cashier and look around to find an empty spot. And as always, I take the seat by the window. "Lana? What are you doing here?" "Um, yoghurt?" Chenle's sister laughed and told me to wait as she goes and go make my yoghurt smoothie. "One large plain yoghurt smoothie with the topping of crushed Oreos for you madam, so what brings you here so early in the morning?"

"I went for a jog and somehow ended up here, weird huh?" I take a sip out of my yoghurt smoothie and looks outside. I can tell by the corner of my eyes, she seems suspicious and is dying to ask a question. I look at her and give her a cue to go bashing me with questions, "You don't seem too good, you okay? What's up? Did you fight with Yuta? Ir is this something else? Family? Friends?" I smile and look down at my smoothie, before letting out a long sigh. "So, the story goes like this," I told her, from how we started the bet to how we end up here and all I could see from her face was shocked, upset, angry, sad etc you named it.

"They never changed. I'm sorry you have to be the next victim and I'm sorry that Arthur came back into your life." I shrug and look outside, "It's not your fault, so don't be sad or something. It already happened and oh! Look! The first leaf has fallen!" The first leaf has fallen and autumn is finally here! Wonderful! I hope this season, at least there is some good to it! I thanked her for the smoothie and rush back home before mum and dad find out I'm gone. Once I reached home, I saw a familiar car parked right outside my house, Yuta is here. Great. I opened the door and saw Yuta playing with the twins while Maddy prepares breakfast with mum.

"Hey! You're back! Sunday Funday is not happening. They cancelled the event! What are we doing tomorrow? Staying at home?" I nod and think of a way to make Sunday Funday an actual fun day but before that, gotta message Jaemin that I don't need the minivan now.


Hey Jaemin. Lana here, I'm here to tell you that I don't need the minivan

Oh great! I was just about to tell you the minivan broke. Literally
Thank god you told me about it
I hope you have a great Sunday whatever you call it!

"We could still go out and maybe go to the community swimming pool and have fun there? Or go by the beach?" "Beach sounds fun!" We nod and smile, the beach it is! Mum gathered us by the table and Yuta sits across me. I could tell that he is still quite upset about what I said yesterday. Just do this until the ski trip okay Lana? Do it until Ski Trip. "Oh, mum! I'm going to the hospital later, could you pack me some food for my friend?" "Of course dear! Will Yuta be taking you?"

"Oh no, I have urgent matters to attend too. You go ahead,"

"Okay," I didn't even bother looking at him and eat the food that is on my plate. Maddy and Anthony must have noticed since both of them are literally starring at each other signalling here and there. After breakfast, I quickly change my outfit to a more comfy outfit as it is starting to get cold now before heading outside to meet up with Mark and Taeyoung. "Honey! Here is the food!" I thanked mum and head outside. "Is that for me? Aw thanks-"

"Hands off, Mark! This is for Mel," He pouts and takes the seat beside me. "Let's go to the hospital,"

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