chapter nineteen

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"Gone? What do you mean gone?" I shoot up from my bed and sat at the sofa beside my bed. "Hello? Taeyong? You there?"

Oh yeah, sorry false alarm he is sleeping on the floor. Sorry to wake you up

"Oh, no worries, it's fine. So can I please go to sleep?"

Yeah, sure.

I end the call and hop back into bed. The next day, I woke up to the beautiful sound of the birds chirping outside my window. I opened the window to let the sunlight in. I then get myself ready for school. Since I am too lazy to even dress up for school, I just put on leggings and an oversized t-shirt. "Maddy! It's time for school?" She groans and does her morning stuff. I let her do her and head downstairs for breakfast. And as usual, Yuta was there to help out with breakfast. His smile widens and soon as he sees me and I return the smile back. "Morning,"

"Morning, what's for breakfast?"

"Egg rolls! Yuta taught me how to make them. He is so helpful!" Sure he is. God, please let the bet end already. I do not want to fall in love with him. I have to know my limits. I'm waiting til the ski trip and then bam, bet ends. "Hey, what you thinking about?" I shake my head and went to have a sit. Minutes later, the whole family came running down the stairs to eat breakfast.

"Oh, right! Guys, do you know what is happening this Sunday?" The whole family stares at each other and smile, "Sunday Funday!"

"That's right! And the theme is to dress up like the 90s! There is this event at Central Park and everyone is invited to dress up like the 90s! And Yuta, you are invited," I choke on my drink and mum pats my back. Yuta, looks at me and then back to Maddy, "You serious? Really? That's the first. But okay?" I lowered my head down and let out a sigh. Anthony looks at me and raises his eyebrows. I nod indicating that I am okay.

As soon as we finished breakfast, James and I, make our way to the car. I help James buckle his seatbelt and takes the seat beside him. James gave me the 'what are you doing' look but decided to shrug it off as if he knows something is off. "Um, Lana?"

"Just drive, we are going to be late." Yuta sighs and starts the engine. He gave me one last look and drove away from the house. James decided to lay down on my laps and just stare at the car ceiling. I look outside while stroking his hair. A few minutes later, we arrived at James school. I told him to go inside by himself and he agreed. He waves goodbye and enters the school. Yuta turns to me, "Something is bothering you and I am going to find out" I shrug and plug in my earpiece. I didn't even say a word when we reached school.

"There you are! I'm not sure if you are going to like this news but-" Susan turn me around and my jaw dropped when I saw him. Mark and Jaehyun walk towards and look at the direction I'm looking at and tilt their head to the side. There is no way he is here. That can't be. I turn around and run straight to the bathroom, breathless. My anxiety is acting up. No no, not now. Please. Now is not the time. Not, now. Please. "Lana! I know you in there! Please come out," I come out while holding to my chest and let out a big sigh. I look up at Susan and she gives me a tight hug. Mark and Jaehyun sigh and sat beside us while sighing. "It's him isn't it?" I nod and cried even harder.

"I'll tell the teacher we will be late for a few hours," Mark and Jaehyun went out of the bathroom and I let go of Susan. "Why now? Why is he here? Why?" Susan shakes her head and lets out a sigh while rubbing my back. We stayed in this position for who knows how long until it was lunchtime. The both of us walk out of the bathroom and that's where we saw Arthur standing in front of the bathroom with his squad. I could feel Susan tighten her grip around my waist and so do I. Arthur steps forward and scan us up from the top to the bottom, "Beautiful like the last time I saw you love"

"What are you doing here, Arthur?" He laughs and scoffs, "To study silly. What do you think I come here for? To harm her-" I could see his hands were already making its way to hit both of us, so I was ready to get hit, but I didn't feel the sting that is when I opened my eyes and saw Yuta, Taeyong and Johnny standing in front of us.

"What do you think you are doing? Protecting those sluts?" Taeyong let out a deep sigh and fix his leather jacket. "Do you have a problem with us protecting our girls?" Arthur laughs, followed by a smirk started to creep up his face.

"Your girls? Lana, you really do have a thing for bad boys huh. I'll let you go this time around, next time, I won't let you go so easily" Arthur winks and walks away with his squad. I let out my breath that I didnt know I have been holding and hold my chest. Yuta turns around and pulls me into a hug. Susan and the rest left to leave us alone. He then lifts my chin up and sighs, "I'm sorry" I pull away, give him one last look and walk away from him. I can't do this. The more I get closer to him, the more my heart falls for him. I do not want to fall for him. Do it for the bet. Do it for the bet. Do it for the bet.

As I was walking down the hallways, I got pulled to the side and look up to see Johnny. "You okay? That was intense. Are you okay? I can't believe he almost hit you!" I sigh and nod, "I'm fine, thanks for stepping in" He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"How many days left?" Right, our 152 days is almost coming to an end, 3 more months and its officially over. "I  might even end it way before the ski trip. I can't do this anymore. I can't. Every time I'm near him, my heart beats so fast. I don't want to fall in love with him, Johnny. I just can't. I don't want to force myself to be with him. I'm doing for the contract and ONLY the contract." Johnny sighs and nods. He leads me to the cafeteria to sit with the Dream members. I smile when I saw them. They make me happy even if they are still kids but they make me happy. Really happy. "I'll leave her to you guys so please don't do anything stupid." They smile and look at me.

"We know what happened and we don't want to talk about it so, here is this tub of ice cream for you." I thanked them and eat the tub of ice cream with Haechan. We spent the entire lunchtime laughing our ass off. I had to explain to my homeroom teacher why I wasn't in for class for the first few periods and thank god, she let me off. I sat next to Jaehyun for AP Biology. He didn't seem to mind and boy was I shocked. I never did expect him to be the kind to actually studied hard in class. For today lesson was dissecting a frog, so obviously my partner was Jaehyun. He showed me the ways on how to dissect it. "How are you not disgusted by it?" He laughs and shrugs. I dissect it the frog under his direction and thank the god I did it.

"Hey, we did it!" We high five but that soon got died down when Arthur turns around to face us. "Well, well, well, if it isnt the slut? Damn, first who was them again just now? Yuta, Johnny and Taeyong? Now Jaehyun? Wow, how many guys do you want to be in you?" Jaehyun tensed up and let out a sigh, "Fuck off will you? Before I dissect you, you shut the hell up" Arthur rolls his eyes and turns back to his table.

"You okay? I nod and sigh, "Can I just dissect him?" Jaehyun nods, "I'm in with you"

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