chapter four

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Yuta smiles and intertwines our hands together. "But, there will be rules and regulations and boundaries too. No PDAing when we are alone and you have to come to my house to help me take care of my siblings and basically hangs out with them and also send me and my brother James to school every day"

"Okay, sure. But we have to be all lovey-dovey when we are with the other members or they will suspect it and of course, by the end of the year, you have to follow me to this trip that is hosted by Taeyong's family. Okay?" And by then we are over. It is exactly 5 months towards the end of the year. Did he plan all of this? 

"We need a paper to write our contract." He nods and takes out his phone to type in. I take his phone and type in the things we said just now. 

The Bet

2. Send Lana and James to school every day 
3. Hang out with Lana's family every Monday to Friday.
4. Be all lovey-dovey in front of the other members.
5. Watch movies with the Lana family every Friday night.
6. Have dinner with Yuta's Family every Wednesday.

Last but not the least (20 December)

"Ski trip? Taeyong's family always plan a ski trip? at the end of the year?" Yuta nods and shows me the date of the trip which is on 20th December. Right, and like I said, by then or even before the trip it will be over for the both of us. I am doing this for the safety of Anthony and Maddy since he threatened me by using their name. "So I can come to your house today right?" I nod slowly. The bus came and both of us board the bus and sit together. Surprisingly, Lucas, Doyoung, and Jeno were on the bus with us. Yuta decided to sit with them, leave me alone for a while.

I put in my earpiece and listen to music while looking blankly at the view outside. Yuta has decided to sit beside me cause he bangs onto me while taking the seat beside me. I take out my earpiece cause he wants to listen to what I am listening to. "Can I lay on your shoulders since the other members are here?" I nod and he lays comfortably on my shoulders. All of this quite new to me cause I haven't been in a relationship since I was 12 years old after what happened to my ex. 

I wake Yuta up when we reached school. He wakes up and okay, he really looks adorable when he just wake up from a nap. I take my earpiece out of his ears and put it in my bag. I let Yuta go down first and he extends out his hand and intertwines our hands. "Hey, you guys are the first to know about this, meet my new girl" 

"What? Already? Man, you are lucky that you are good looking." Lucas rolls eyes at Yuta which cause him to ruffles Lucas's hair and he was smiling from ear to ear. Who knew Yuta have a soft spot for his members and especially the younger ones. "You will soon get one, Lucas." Jaehyun and Susan were waiting for us at the front and they were already making out in public. Yuta looks over at me and I shake my head slowly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine. Don't I look okay?" Yuta looks around and then turn to face me. He held my shoulders and look at my eyes, "You look tense, relax for a bit. You got to be flexible when you are around us. And if you are not open about kissing and all we don't have to do it okay?" 

"Okay, I'm sorry. I am just uncomfortable that's all" Yuta nods and strokes my hair, "Don't apologize, and it's okay to be uncomfortable.C'mon, let's get you to class" I nod and we make our way to class. 

In class, everyone is already looking at me and Susan. This is what I hate about when girls hang out with NCT. Other girls start staring and glaring at other girls but this time, the main focus is me and Susan. And now they got issues with us. Of course me, I hate the attention while Susan loves it. I don't understand why and I don't want to know it too. I sit at the corner of the class with Susan when a guy turns to us. "So are you like the new girls that they targeted?" Susan glares at him which makes him uncomfortable and turns his focus on me.

"You could say that about me being their target. Her? Probably is she targeting them." He nods and sighs, "Two words for you: Be careful" Yeah, I know what they are capable of, I am not letting my guards down. Even if he shows me his true color I am not letting them see me. "I know, thanks for the warning."

"No I mean literally, be careful." I nod and class start to begin. 

The whole day I have been wondering about that guy warning, be careful.I am being careful. I walk past my locker and straight to the stairs that I always have lunch at. I like being alone for some reason. It makes me feel peaceful and calm. I decided to video call Anthony and Maddy. 

"Oh hey, Lana! What's up?" I smile when I saw their faces, oh my god I miss them so much. Some people might be happy that their siblings going out is the best thing, it's because they have freedom. Me? I don't I miss them a lot and is already feeling empty cause my siblings and I are very bonded. 

"I miss you. How are things there?" Anthony says things are good there, the fact that they experience an earthquake in Japan makes them wanting to come home already. "Are you alone? Where is Susan? and-"

"Boyfriend. Peter is not in the picture anymore. He is off with other friends. He hates us." Anthony looks down and sigh, "He was a good kid. Too bad he just lost someone who cares about him" I nod and shrug. "We need to go, see you in a few weeks kiddo" he ends the call and I sigh, smiling about them and lay on my side. That is until someone clears their throat which makes me look up and of course, he came looking for me. 

"Where were you?"

"Here? You found me, congratulation." Yuta rolls his eyes and I look forward and stares blankly. he sits beside me and carries my head to put on his lap. "Uh, what are you doing? No PDAing when we are alone, remember?" 

"It's uncomfortable laying on a bag." I sit up and bring my knees closer to my chest. "Why do you always keep your guards up? I am not what as others say" I look at him, scan him up and down and put my head on my knees. Can't a girl have her own privacy? just for once? I am always being bombarded by someone. "What? Is it getting to know each other session now?"

"If you are gonna be my girlfriend then yes."

"I am not your girlfriend. I am just another bet." Yuta looks taken aback and looks around and sighs, "Whatever, but today is day 1 of you being my girlfriend. So act like one and you agreed to this too" I glare at him and clenched my fist tight, "You threatened me by using my siblings in! Of course, I had to give in!" 

"But you could have said no," Is he kidding me now? Can I punch him right now, right here at this moment? He is annoying. "Well fuck you!" I grab my bag and walk away. I don't usually curse at people but this time is really exceptional. I heard him punch the wall and I could feel my blood dripping from my hand. I think its time that I go home. I really can't stand another day in school with him being around. I call in for a grab and sit down patiently for it. "You are going home already?"

"Go away Mark, I don't need your concern" 

"Yuta is looking for you." I nod and look at my phone, ugh 5 more minutes? Please be quick. "You are bleeding. Here, let me patch you up," He takes my hand and wash it with his plain water and quickly take out plasters from his bag and put it on my hands. I smile and thanked him. "What happened? if you don't mind me asking?" 

"We fought."

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