Chapter twenty four

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"... Lana! Wake up! It's time for school!" I groan and flutter my eyes open and look at the time, 6:30 am. Time to hit the showers and look decent, for once.

"Don't tell me you are going to wear an oversized shirt when you are confessing your feelings to Yuta today?"

"Why not?"

"Girl, you telling me you want to look like that? No way! Wear a dress! Or a nice fit! Not that! You look like you just woke up," I groan and walk to my closet and took out a white floral off-shoulder dress. I then show it to Maddy, and she nods, showing a thumbs up. I put it on before she drags me to do my hair and my makeup, "Maddy, I am just gonna confess to him! It's not like we are going to date or something?"

"Confess and then date! You still have to look good! For school!" I sigh and winced in pain whenever she untangles my hair that was stuck together. Just then, we heard a knock and James opens the door, smiling at us. "Yuta is here if you don't hurry, we are going to be late!" We nod and James leaves us alone to get ready for school. After a few combs through the hair and making it look neat and also applying on makeup, Maddy was finally done with her damaged. She nods and grabs my tote bag, chasing me out of the room for her to get ready for school.

I sigh and walk down the stairs to have breakfast with my other family members. I stopped midway when I saw Yuta and my father, smiling and laughing at each other. Dad probably has grown attached to him as the day pass by. "Lana? That's the first time I see you wear that dress. How long has it been? Three years?"

"Surprisingly, I still fit," Mum nods, agreeing with me, "Yes, I am surprised," I shake my head and takes the empty spot beside Yuta. He smiles and grabs my hand in his. I leaned towards his ears, "I have something to tell you,"

"Oh, me too! When shall we tell?"

"Before driving off?" He nods and we eat the food that has been served to us in front of us. Today's breakfast was waffles with honey syrup, poured all over it. Mum's waffles are always the best, the crunchiness of the waffle always makes me begging for more. It's not too fluffy and it's not too less. It's the right amount of batter poured on to the waffle maker. Once we were done, I put on my shoes and heads outside with James and Yuta. I look up and saw Maddy mouthing a 'good luck' before she disappears deeper into the room.

We let James go in first and lean on the car. "So, how shall we do this?" I place my hands to my chin and look at him, "On the count of three, we say it together," He nods and turns to face me.




"I like you!" I cover my mouth with my hands with my eyes wide open and so was he. "I didn't hear that wrong right?" I shake my head and he removes my hand from my mouth and leans forward to kiss me on the lips. My eyes widen as I have never felt this feeling on someone's lips before. The feeling of protected, loved, warming, welcoming. That was the vibe that I was receiving from just Yuta's kiss. He then removes himself away from me and rests his forehead on to mine and smile, "You have no idea how that three words make my heart skipped a beat,"

"So, what are we now?" Yuta grabs my hand and kisses the back of my hands and pulls me into a hug, "A couple, how does that sound?"

I look up to him and nod, "I like the sound of that," He opens the door for me and let me in before closing it for me. I put on my seatbelt and saw Susan with Mark and Jaehyun at the back with James on Jaehyun's laps. "So.. that was nice," Mark smiles and I heard a loud smack that caused Mark to yelp in pain.


"Yuta, just drive. We don't want to be late for school," He nods and starts the engine before driving away from my house. The ride to James's school was very awkward because one, we wouldn't want to share some 18+ contents with him and two, he might feel uncomfortable seeing how he just ended up having to sit on top of Jaehyun's laps. "Bye James! Have a good day at school!"

"Tell me you guys are a couple, PLEASE tell me you guys are a couple?" Yuta and I exchange looks and I smile, "Yes," The three of them cheered and did some stupid happy dances at the back that caused the car to move up and down. "Woah, Woah, Woah, careful! The car might be damaged if you guys keep moving up and down,"

"So the ski trip! Is like next week! You excited?" I shrug and look at them, "How about you guys? Oh! Mark, are you bringing your girlfriend too?"

"Oh, Mel?"

"Yeah, her,"

"Yeah, I can't vibe with her and I heard she and Arthur moved away so that's one worries down." I nod. I did hear about Arthur and Mel moving away because of the incident Arthur caused in school. But thank god I don't have to worry about that anymore. One worries down, so I guess it's all good now. "Did you heard Yuta? Kiko, she came back here, looking for you. That day, Jaehyun and Johnny saw a glimpse of her, but we didn't tell you yet until we confirmed it, but it was true. She is here, in the same school, looking for you,"

I look over at Yuta's hands. His grips on the steering wheel became tighter every time he heard the name Kiko. I touch his hands and let out a smile at him. He then starts to relax and grabs my hand. "She can't have me back, I'm with someone else,"

"Yeah, we know. But what if? You have to think of another possibility. What if she starts to ruin your relationship with Lana?"

"Who else knows?" Mark leans in and looks over at Yuta, "As far as I know, Taeyong, Johnny and the both of us, she might be waiting for you at the entrance," Yuta sighs as he enters the school's perimeters and finds an empty spot on the parking lot. As soon as he finds one, all of us got off the car and closes it. The sun was shining brightly right into my eyes and I put my hands above my head to shade it. Yuta and the guys had sunglasses on and Susan walks by my side, clinging on to me.

"Is that her?" I said pointing to the girl with black and purple hair, sitting at the entrance with her hands supporting her behind her back. "That's her," All five of us walk our way to her and the moment she saw Yuta, she came running up to him and hugged him tightly. Susan's grip around my arms starts to tighten and I can see the boys were tensing up. "Baby! Where have you been? I have been searching for you everywhere!" She then averts her gaze at me and scans me from the top of my hair to the bottom of my toes. She then showed a disgusted face and rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't look at her like that, she's my girlfriend."

"Well technically, I am still your girlfriend! We didn't officially break up you know," Yuta removes her hands that was rested on his waist and looks away, "No, we didn't, but as now, in front of my friends, I officially break up with you,"

"You can't do that to me, Yuta!"

"Why not? I'm not losing something, instead, I gained something, something better than you. You know what? I do deserve someone better, and I'm glad that I found her. I'm sorry things didn't work out the way we planned. You and I weren't just meant to be. You moved on quicker than I expected and I took a long time to move on and heal," Yuta leaves leaving Kiko speechless but something seems to catch my eyes. Her stomach. I look over at the rest to see what I'm looking at but none of them was looking back her.

"You can't leave Yuta!" Jaehyun groans and glares at her, "Why not!? Enough hurting him already Kiko! How much more do you want to-"

"I'm pregnant with his child!"

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