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Esmè stood in the kitchen as she looked through gray cupboard, she looked to see gray as he walked in

"what are you doing" he asked as he walked over to her

"I'm hungry" Esmè said as she turned to face him

"well it doesn't surprise me, you did work up quite an appetite" he said as she looked to him and smiled.

He lifted her up onto the kitchen bench as she grabbed a jar of Nutella as she licked the spoon. He looked to her and smirked

"your a tease" he said as she leant in and kissed her. Esmè ran her hands through his hair as they kissed passionately. She pulled away from him and smirked

"don't you have to go to work" she asked as he nodded

"I do, but I would rather stay here with you" he said as she looked to him and smirked

"go to work and then you can pick me up later, we can do something then. Besides I need to go home and change I have no clean clothes and Mia said that she wants to see me" Esmè said as he nodded, he pulled her close and kissed her

"I love you" gray said as she looked to him and grinned. She knew she never got sick of hearing him say that

"I love you too" Esmè said

Esme got back to the vic and smiled as she saw Mia as she stood behind the bar

"how many times do I have to cover your shift for?" Mia asked as esme looked to her and smiled

"I'm sorry I got lost track of time, my head is just a mess with me and gray" esme said as Mia smiled

"what's up?"

"I don't know I just feel like it is going to fast. I love him I do but I fell in love so quick that it scared me and I just don't know if I can do it. It is going to fast" esme said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know that you are scared but i know that gray loves you. I see how he looks at you and i see how you look at him. Trust him, he is a good guy and he isn't like your scum of an ex" Mia said as esme nodded

"I know that your right I just..I never felt this way before" she said as Mia placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"that's not a bad thing babes, trust me" Mia said as esme looked to her and smiled

Esme sighed to herself as she stood from the bed. She walked out of the room and int other bathroom.
MShe sighed as she stood over the sink and sighed as she felt nauseous. Esme couldn't help but feel scared.

She was scared knowing that she and gray hadn't been careful but she couldn't shake the sickening feeling that she could be pregnant but With it being so soon in their relationship could they handle a baby if Esme was actually pregnant?

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