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Esme looked as gray walked into the room. She hasn't said a word over what happened to her but gray knew that something had happened.

He wasn't stupid and he knew esme and he just how broken that she liked. Gray smiled as he walked into the bedroom where she was sitting in bed as he placed a cup beside her

"I made you a cup of tea. I know it doesn't solve whatever is going on in your head but I wanted you to know that I love you and I am here for you. He said as he placed a hand on his cheek. She jumped slightly and sighed

"I'm sorry" she said as she rested her head into his chest. He looked to her and smiled as he held her close

"you don't need to be sorry. I know your going through something and that you don't want to talk about whatever it is. I am here" gray said as esme smiled.

Gray knew that it wasn't good whatever she had been through. He knew that she wasn't herself and that she had been through something and he didn't know what it was but he was worried over her.

He was worried big time and he didn't know what to do to help her "I know you don't want to talk about what happened but I love you and I am going no where" gray said as esme smiled   

Mia got to grays and frowned "I got your text is she okay" Mia asked worried over her sister

"she won't talk. She said something happened to her but she won't tell me what. She will hardly let me touch her. Not that way either, if I touch her hand she freaks and I don't know what to do and I thought maybe she would talk to you. She is your sister after all" gray said as Mia nodded

"I have to go to the office I'll be an hour call me if you need me" gray said as he walked off.

Mia walked to the bedroom and frowned as she saw esme as she key in bed. Mia felt awful as she liked to her baby sister and saw how broken that she seemed. Mia walked over and sat next to esme and smiled as she took a hold of her hand

"you look awful es. I know that you have been hiding Something and i can tell me, I am here for you" Mia said as esme looked to her with tears in her eyes. She felt sick and broken after what had happened

"I...I can't" esme said as Mia looked To her and frowned knowing that something serious had happened to her sister and how her sister wasn't the same person anymore and she was worried

Gray walked in as he saw Esmè sitting on the stairs and frowned "hey, are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"I need to tell you something" Esmè said as gray walked over to her as he bend down so that he was at her eye level as he saw the tears in her eyes

"something happened...dean" "its okay you can tell me" gray said as tears rolled down her face

"dean...he raped me" Esmè said as gray looked to her eithone thought running through his head. He was going to kill dean

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