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Esmè groaned to herself as she woke up, she looked to see gray as he stood getting ready for work and smiled

"you look like crap" gray said as Esmè sat up and looked to him and smiled as she looked to him

"I'm okay, I think I'm just coming down with something that's all" she said as she sat up and sighed. Gray sat on the bed and looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek as he looked to her and smiled

"your sure your not pregnant I mean we haven't been careful" gray said as Esmè sighed

"I don't know I mean I'm feeling rotten and it's possible and I'm scared" she said as he smiled

"I'll call Mia and she can come over and keep you company when I am at work. You look like you don't want to deal with your family right now" gray said as she looked to him and smiled

"your right"

"I'll get you a test later and we can do it together and I'll pick up food what do you fancy?" He as,Ed as Esmè looked to him and smiled

"other than you, Chinese" she said as he looked to her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her

Esmè smiled as she heard a knock at the door and smiled as she answered it and saw Mia who walked in

"gray told me to come over and keep you company you know that you can come home don't you?" Mia asked as Esmè looked to her and smiled

"I know it's just quiet here I mean we live in a pub and quiet isn't something that we are not use to. I know your unsure over gray but he does love me mi and I love him and I know your worried because of what happened to me in the past but I trust gray why don't you" Esmè said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"it's not that. Your my little sister and what I do is look after you but creepy dean is back and making out that he is part of the family. He was asking after you. I swear he is obsessed with you" Mia said as Esmè shuttered

"he gives me the creeps, no way am I returning when he is there. He is a creep" Esmè said as Mia looked to her and nodded

"Ill bring you some clothes over since you and gray seem to be playing families. I am happy for you I can see how happy that you are" Mia said as Esmè looked to her and smiled

Esmè stood in the house and sighed as she walked out of the bathroom and smiled as he saw gray, she placed the pregnancy test that she had take. Down and looked to gray and smiled

"what if it is positive" she asked as Esmè knew that she was scared. She looked to gray and he smiled

"then we'll do what we have to do together, I promise" he said as he kissed her forehead and smiled as she picked up the test and looked down to see it was...

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