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Esme struggled as she fought under the water as Dean held her under. She fought against him as he pushed her under. She scratched and kicked as she gasped for air

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her and pull her out of the water as she felt darkness. She had passed out. The carters and gray had surrounded Esme

"Come on Esme" gray said as he start to resuscitate her. He looked to her as mick grabbed into the water with Shirley as they grabbed Dean and started to fight against him as they pulled him out of the water and grabbed him off

Gray looked to Esme and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "come on baby" he said as she started to gasp as she started to cough up water as gray helped her sit up and smiled as he pulled her close

"It's okay I've got you" he said as she looked to him. Dean had tried to kill jet and she was scared and in shock and she didn't know what to think. She buried her head into his chest as he held her close and smiled

"He tired to kill me" Esme said. She was shaking and she didn't know what to think. She was in shock over it all and scared

"It's okay I am here for you and I am going no where" he said as Esme smiled. She was in shock over everything that had just happened

Esme sat in the hospital as she sat being checked on. She looked to see Mia as she walked into the room and smiled

"Are you okay" Mia asked as Esme looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay I'm shaken over what happened and that. What happened to Dean?" She asked as Mia smiled

"I get that. Your going to be okay. I'm here and I have you and it will all be okay" Mia said as she looked to her and smiled

"I guess. It's just. He raped me and he tried to kill me and I am the one in the wrong I mean it's so fucked up" she spat as mia pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know that your scared. That's okay but Dean admitted to what he did and he is going to jail and he will pay for what he did to you" Mia said as Esme smiled hoping that she was right

Esme smiled as she walked back into the houses with gray. He had an arm wrapped around her and smiled as he looked to her

"Are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"It's so hard. I mean all I feel is sick as I think over what happened and that. I'm glad you were there and that you saved me. Your always saving me" she said as she placed a hand on his cheek

He looked to her and smiled as he pulled her into arms and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. He knew how he'd always protect her but could he reveal just how far he had stepped with Dean

The lust of a lawyer *Eastenders*Where stories live. Discover now