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Gray walked into the bedroom and looked to Esmè and smiled

"you know that you could of told me, what he did  to you" he said as Esmè sighed, she felt a little better that she had told him

"I was ashamed you know what I am like, I am a flirt a tease. I could of been asking for it" Esmè said as he looked to her and smiled

"you in no way asked for this, you have been through hell and I didn't know, I was away and I wish I never left" he said as he took a hold of her hand. She looked to him and smiled

"I don't know what to do" she said as he smiled

"we can go to the police if it's what you want. I am here for you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I need some time, I just can't relieve that yet. I need to face my family. I don't want to be the one to bring my family apart" Esmè said as he looked to her

"you didn't do this. He did when he did it to you, you will be okay I promise I am here and I love you and I will do anything for you, you mean everything to me" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her, Esmè felt numb and scared    

Esmè walked into the pub with Gray. She felt sick. She looked to see mick and Linda as they stood with Mia, Esmè felt sick.

She looked to see dean and felt herself tense up as Gray wrapped an arm around her. She could feel herself having a panic attack as he walked over to her

"it's okay let's have a drinkL gray said as he lead her to the other side of the pub. Esmè knew that she didn't want to be around him

"why are you avoiding me Esmè. Does he know" dean asked

"stay away from her I am warning you I know what you did to her"

"she wanted it" dean said as gray punished him, he pinned him to the ground as he continued to beat him up

"gray" Esmè said as gray looked to dean and glared

"you make me sick" gray spat as the Carter's ran over

"what is going on" mick asked

"it's not his fault dad" Esmè said

"he raped her, I am not letting him near her" gray spat as mick grabbed a hold of dean as Esmè walked off. She felt as if she couldn't breathe it was all kicking off, Linda walked off after Esmè

"baby" Linda said as Esmè looked to her with tears in her eyes

"it's my fault"

"no and don't you ever say that come here" Linda said as she pulled her daughter into a hug knowing how much she was struggling

Esmè got to the police station with gray and sighed "you don't have to do this, if your not ready" gray said as he took a hold of her hand

Esmè looked to him and nodded "I know but he can't get away with what he did, he raped me and I can't hide it" Esmè said as he looked to her and smiled as they walked into the station.

Esmè sighed to herself as she took a moment as she walked over to reception "I'd like to report a crime. A rape. My rape" Esmè said knowing these would be the hardest thing she ever did

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