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A/n; Gray isn't abusive and there was no gray and Chantelle didn't happen


Mick carter woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. He groaned to himself as he walked down and went to answer the door, it was just gone eight in the morning "alright I'm coming" he said as he answered the door. He frowned as he looked to his youngest daughter Esmè as she walked in. He looked to her and frowned "es, what are you doing here" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "hi daddy miss me" she asked as she walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged her back and smiled "of course I did, your mother will be happy to see you. What are you doing here" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "David and I broke up, I thought that I would come home if that's okay" she said "of course it is" mick said

Linda walked down the stairs with Ollie and frowned as she saw her youngest daughter and smiled as she walked over to her and smiled "are you here for good?" Linda asked. Linda knew that she missed having her youngest daughter at home "yeah, I think so" Esmè said as she walked through the bar. She smiled to herself as she ran a hand through her hair. She knew that she had left over a year ago and it had been a long time but she felt as if it was longer, she knew that she wanted to be back home with her family but a lot had happened and she only happened that she could return home and act as if nothing had happened. Esmè wanted a fresh and hoped that this could be it as she had been through a lot lately


Esmè stood behind the bar and sighed. She smiled as gray walked in "Shirley has changed" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "your cheeky aren't you, pint?" She asked as he nodded "so, you must be mick and Linda's youngest daughter" he asked as Esmè nodded "Esmè" she said as he looked to her and smiled "Gray" he said as she looked to him and smiled "next to meet you gray and the fancy suit, let me guess a doctor or a lawyer?" She asked as he looked to her and smirked "a lawyer, so keep pit of trouble I don't want to have to represent you" he said as Esmè looked to him and smirked "I don't know what you mean, I'm as good as gold" she said as she handed him a pint. Her fingers brushed against his as they held a look, they both knew that there was a spark

Mick walked over to Esmè as she stood pulling a pint "are you sure that's a good idea, you and gray after David" mick asked as Esmè looked to him and smiled "you don't need to worry, it's nothing. Nothing is going to happen" Esmè said. Esmè had no idea how much gray was going impact her life.

The lust of a lawyer *Eastenders*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant