Chapter 1: A Change In Plans

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The holidays were just around the corner and normally you would go home to stay with your muggle mother and half-blood father but things were different this year.

This year your parents were very sick.

They sent you an Owl saying to not come home for the holidays because they didn't want you to get sick as well.

Which you didn't understand at all and you hated the idea of being without family on Christmas.

The worst part was that now you were a 6th year which meant you could have used magic at home. Which would have made things more fun for the holidays but you tried to stay positive and make the best of it.

As you were sitting alone, on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, reading a book about magical creatures that Neville had given to you, you heard a familiar voice from behind you.

"Y/n? What are you still doing here?" Ginny asked walking into the common room.

You turned around on the couch to see Ginny and Hermione your best girl friends and roommates.

"Oh hey Ginny, hi Hermione my parents are sick so I'm staying at Hogwarts for the holidays." you say with a fake smile on your face.

As your best friends, they could tell it was fake so they walked towards you and sat down either side of you on the couch.

Ginny looked at you with a sweet smile and put her hand on your arm to comfort you.

"Hermione and Harry are coming with me and my brothers to the burrow for Christmas you should too." Ginny said smiling.

You turned your body on the couch to face her and your whole face lit up. You started to think of how amazing it would be to spend Christmas with Hermione, Harry, and all the Weasley family.

Your smile quickly faded and you turned back to face forward and looked back down at the book on your lap.

"That would be amazing but I don't want to intrude on your family's Christmas" you said.

You sighed as you flipped to the next page of your book.

Ginny ripped the book out of your hands and Hermione turned her body to face you.

"Come on y/n you wouldn't be intruding. Harry and I are also going plus Molly loves you I bet she'd be more than happy if you came." Hermione said.

You smiled remembering how you first meet Mrs. Weasley.

It was your first year and your parents couldn't help you to find the platform 9 3/4 since they were working that day.

You were completely lost until you saw a strange redhead family rushing together towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Curious you watched the family all stop in front of a wall between the platforms.

You stood there amazed as you watched A tall redhead boy with a badge that said prefect on it, run at the wall, and then pass through it in a blink of the eye.

The strange perfect badge boy was followed by 2 younger (but older than you) tall redhead boys who seemed to be identical twins.

Then a younger redhead who seemed to be your age nervously ran through the wall with a boy who another boy who didn't look like he was in their family but he had a small lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

The only two redheads left was what seemed to be the mother and her daughter.

The woman saw you standing and watching so she walked up to you.

"Hello, do you need help getting to platform 9 3/4 dear?" she asked in a sweet tone.

You nodded your head nervously and followed behind her and her daughter with your trolley as she lead you towards the wall between the platforms.

The kind woman put one hand on your trolley and the other holding her daughter's hand and you all ran through the wall.

You then turned to the woman to thank her.

"Thank you, miss?" you said.

"Mrs. Weasley, but you can call me Molly. It's very nice to meet you dear, what's your name?" she said while the three of you kept walking onwards towards the train.

"I'm y/n it's nice to meet you too"

Molly talked to you for a minute and she explained that the prefect badge boy was named Percy and that he was a prefect for Gryffindor, and that the twins were Fred and George and that they were two years older than you were, and that the younger two boys were Ron her son who was the same year as you and the other boy was the famous Harry Potter.

She gave you a sweet hug goodbye before you got on the train, and as soon as you got on you poked your head out the first window you found, and you smiled waving goodbye to the kind woman.

Ever since then every time you saw Mrs. Weasley again you both were just as excited as the other to see each other.

"Alright, I'm in" you said jumping up from the couch and celebrating with Ginny and Hermione.

"Mom will be so excited!" Ginny said

"I can't wait to see Molly she's the best. I hope she'll be ok with me staying." you said slightly nervous but still excited.

"Oh come on, she loves you." Ginny said punching your shoulder jokingly.

"Hey, why you all girl screaming down here." Harry said walking into the common room.

"Well, Harry. Y/n is also coming to the burrow for the holidays." Hermione said squeezing you tightly.

"No way. This is gonna be a fun holiday with you all coming" Ron said walking in behind Harry.

"I can't wait!" Hermione said excitedly.

"Let's go pack both your trunks!!" Ginny said pulling you by the arm up the stairs towards your dorm.

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