CHAPTER 8: Date or Naw..?

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Nobody's POV

After heading to their shared room, Taehyung simply picked out a white T-Shirt, Black plants and a jean jacket along with white kicks to finish the look. Before he wore the cloths he had picked out, he went into the bathroom to freshen up and then took the cloths he had placed on the bed and started putting them on himself. He then looked himself up and down the mirror which was inn the bathroom and muthered,"Nice". He then existed the room closing the door shut behind him, and started walking off to where Jungkook was waiting for him.

In the living room

Once he got there he could see a occupied Jungkook talking to someone on the phone."Must be Work he thought to himself." as he sat an the couch across for him waiting for  him to be finished with whatever he was doing on the phone.

Taehyung's POV

After about 10 minutes are so he finally got off the phone." who the hell was he talking to? making me wait this long, how dare he!" I thought with anger roaming through my mind. even though we where in the room together feets across for eachother i still couldn't tell what was all that about. Me being the kind hearted person i am  i simply let it slide and sat their still not saying anything until he finally spoke to me," FINALLY!" i shouted in my mind.

Nobody's POV

"Something just came up, so we will have to cancel our little thing until next time." jungkook spoke not really sad or caring about the plans he had with Taehyung.

"What why?" Tarhyung finally spoke to him.

"No reason for you to Know that since it won't change a thing." he simply spoke in a claim voice but deep down was kinda annoying since he didn't like to be questioned about anything.

"But-" Taehyung was cutted off.

"Enuff with the questions. I don't need to answer you are anyone understand! I own you so stop it!" he shouted at him making Taehyung flinch by his tone. He then walked off leaving a sad and hurt Taehyung in the livingroom. Taehyung was there alone in the room seated down on the couch, he wondered to himself."why..why must he be like this, why did he take me away from my normal  and boring yet okay life to live with him when he doesn't even knows are care for me?why" he thought as tears began to escape his eyes rushing down an his cheeks making him cry in a subbing mess.

A person then apporched him and gave him a wipe to wipe his tears away. He then faced the person who was standing beside him and said thank you with a smile and stated "I really needed this." No worries, I'm TaTa by the way. "Nice to meet you TaTa, that's a cute name you have there." Taehyunng Stated as he smiled. "Why where you crying if you don't mind me asking?" TaTa asked curiously. he then signed in response and then told him his story as to why he was sad. TaTa the huged him out of cumfort without thinking, Tae the relied to the hug by huging TaTa as well and then cried." I want to leave here, i wanna go home" he stated as he was a subbing mess" It's okay i promise i will help you get out of here, even if it's the last thing i do" TaTa reasurred Taehyung that he's on his side. they then talked for hours upon hours about eachother losing track of time until one of them noticed the clock. "oh my. It's that time already we best stop here for today before Sir Jungkook comes home." TaTa stated biding a now happy Taehyung Goodnight. They both said their good byes hugging eachother tightly before they  went their seperate ways.

Taehyung's POV

After talking to someone about my feelings I was now feeling at ease knowing there's someone on my side not to mention I have the others if i need to talk to them but still i am happy. I then went to Jungkook's room getting myself ready for bed but saw cloths on the bed which looked like they where for me. "What's all this?" i thought to myself. I then took up a piece of paper which was in noted to me by Jin hyung,"These are your new cloths. Boss told me to pick out some things for you to wear since you didn't have any since the "whole thing" by the way ware that pink night-ware i bought you, trust me you'll look amazing in it."

-what he wanted him to wear-

-what he wanted him to wear-

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Nobody's POV

"WHAT THE HELL!!" he shouted causing loud echos to be made in the room. why would i wear this  he thought. due to the fact that he shouted jin knew the reason for it so he quickly ran up to the room where he was in and smiled,"do you like it, i bet you love it". he said excitedly. "jin hyung~ why you gotta do me like that?"

 "how come on it's not that bad, plus I bet Jungkook would love to see you looking like a whole meal for him to dive into" the thought of that made Tae blush like crazy, he looked like a ketile on fire which was about to explode for the heat that he was under."see even your body agrees with me."pointing at him body which was now in a pose of wanting and face of embarassment. " stop it" as scream was made from in the room. Jungkook who was now at the door slightly opened it reveling a sexy looking Taehyung who was reveling alot of his skin. he then opened it widely showing his presence to both Jin and Tae. "well i'll be heading out now see you later guys." he then turn to tae and mouthed good luck as well as winked at him. he the left the room leaving Tae and Jungkook all alone....

To Be Continued ....

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