Chapter Sixty Eight.

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"Damn your love 

Damn your lies 

 And if you don't love me now. You will never love me again"

Song: The chain - Fleetwood Mac

Warning: Mention of abuse and sexual assault

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Warning: Mention of abuse and sexual assault.


Last night ended without anything overly eventful.

Well, aside from Harry straddling me on the couch and keeping me there until he ended up shirtless, our lips were red and swollen from all of the kissing and both of us looked like we'd been rolling around in bed all night.

We ended up showering after Harry nagged me to join him, before we got into bed and frankly I was surprised he didn't try anything else the entire night.

We both ended up falling asleep listening to music, curled up in bed with Gizmo surrounded by blue.

I caught onto what he was doing though, when he saw my suspicious looks over him acting virginal all of a sudden and he only responded, "We're having a nice mediocre night. No excitement."

He kinda missed the mark with the type of excitement I was referring to when I said I'd had enough of it, but bless him for being so sweet and thoughtful.

Unfortunately, the bliss I was floating on from last night was quickly shattered when I woke up.

Knocking at my front door had dragged me out of bed, despite Harry's whines and attempt to stop me from getting up by clinging to my waist.

When I opened my front door I was met with blue eyes I hoped I'd never see again.

This is not what I needed to wake up to.

"Why are you at my house?" I stare at Bryce, who is standing with his hands in his pockets and a hoodie I recognise very well. I bought it for him. It's his favourite band. It was a Christmas present.

Bryce gives me a once over, pausing on my bare legs and I tug my oversized shirt down over my velvet shorts.

"Did I wake you up?" He asks, making my skin crawl with the way he looks at me. We aren't together anymore. I don't like him looking at me like that.

"Yeah you did, you didn't answer my question. Why are you at my house?" I keep my voice blunt, and keep my hand on the door that's only partly open to show I have no intention of inviting him in.

"What's with the attitude Drew? After how you acted last time I saw you, even a hello would be nice," he frowns, with that same patronising tone that would send me off the deep end.

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