Chapter Thirty Seven.

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"I'm a lonely boy
I got a love that keeps me waitin' "




I've never had the colour make me so anxious.

Normally it's calming for me, but at this very second it's ominous.

I blow out a puff of air, bringing my hand up to knock twice on the blue door and shift on my feet as I wait in silence.

It's a miracle I didn't get pulled over on my way here. There's speeding and then there's driving like a dumb ass, but I never claimed to be smart.

I figured the longer I took, the longer she had to change her mind.

I don't hear any movement from inside after a few moments, and start to chew on my lip as I shove my hands into my pocket.

She couldn't have changed her mind in fifteen minutes, right?

I resist the urge to knock again, or call and tell her I'm here so I don't seem like a needy fucking puppy.

This girl has always got me on edge. I can never predict things with her.

I spent the last week thinking she just didn't want to see me anymore.

I know Frankie said she was having a rough week, even though he wouldn't fucking tell me why - and his avoidance of the subject had my paranoia thinking that maybe he was just making up excuses and dancing around the subject about the fact she just didn't want to be around me.

I mean, she saw Frankie a few times and when I asked to go with him to pick up Gizmo he always made up some excuse over why I couldn't.

Normally I would've just turned up at her window but that recent insecurity in my stomach had me thinking maybe she really didn't want me to this time.

Then there was the couple days spent wondering whether she was spending time with that boss of hers instead. Maybe she finally realised she was working for a bearded fucking supermodel. Maybe the way I saw them act when I picked her up from work wasn't as innocent as she played off.

I don't know how Drew is so oblivious to the fact he flirts with her, and she didn't seem to mind it at all when he was hugging all over her and kissing her on the head.

Why didn't she go all stiff and tell him to piss off like she'd done with me?

I hate that he's so nice. With his dumb fuckin big arms, and broad shoulders, and those stupid fuckin plaid shirts with his annoying cheerful fuckin smile.

He gave me a free burger on Tuesday when I turned up at Drew's work, hoping I'd see her but he said she was off work for a few days.

He even gave me extra fries, the prick.

She still hasn't answered the door. Now I feel kinda sick.

She still has our pig though, if she really didn't want to see me, she would've gave that back, right?

I run nervous fingers through my hair, shoving it away from my face and start to look around aimlessly; trying to focus on anything except that door and the fact it's not opening.

The house next door catches my attention, when I notice a figure staring out of the window lit up by a warm dim light and as soon as they notice I've spotted them the curtain snaps closed.


If Drew stands me up I'm gonna have an audience.

My stomach goes from anxious knots to leaping into my chest when I hear footsteps rushing towards the door; so I straighten up and try to look as casual as possible and not give away that I've been fretting with sweaty palms.

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