Chapter Thirty Four.

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"Dear insecurity
When you gonna take your hands off me?
When you ever gonna let me be
Proud of who I am?"



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I can't for the life of me understand how Drew could look in a mirror, and see anything other than something captivating.

How does something like that happen?

How can someone as lovely as she is, think she's so awful?

Granted, most of the time I've known Drew she's been abrasive, stand offish and some may even say kinda rude, but I haven't exactly been a walk in the park either.

I know I've been intrusive and full on with someone that clearly wanted nothing to do with me, but it was my stubbornness and own selfishness that had to pursue it.

My own intrigue.

I've spent most of my life getting bored out of my mind and chasing things that can hold my attention, and she's done that effortlessly.

What was even more intriguing, is that I'd heard about this best friend my cousin had made. When we'd talk sometimes he'd hardly shut up about her.

How kind she was, how sweet and how hilarious she was. That she was one of the most gentle and genuine people he'd ever met.

So then, when I met this best friend, realising the girl that caught my attention in that bedroom at his party was the same Drew I'd heard so much about; and the Drew I was presented with was... well odd, but cold.

It's the main reason I gave her that nickname. She looked like she could break a man's heart in the blink of an eye; I didn't imagine it was hers that was broken until I got to know her.

Dunno if she realises that she could break my heart in a split second if I gave her the chance ans somehow she thinks its the other way around.

She always seems so hard, hiding that softness in her.

I wondered why that was.

How there could be such a contrast from what I'd heard about her to what I saw. Why was she that way with me, and everyone else but not Frankie?

A mystery I'm dying to figure out.

I really wonder what it is that she actually sees, when she looks at herself and when she looks at me.

I'd like to show her what I see.

So, that's how we've ended up back in my bedroom with Drew sitting in a towel on my bed after I half nagged her to death to let me take photos of her.

It's a good thing I could talk the back legs off a donkey because I think in the end she agreed just so I'd shut the fuck up.

I'm not going to do this if she truly doesn't want me to, but I just want to make sure that's the case and she's not being so dismissive of it because she's insecure about it.

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