Chapter Sixty Seven.

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"I tell my love to wreck it all

Cut out all the ropes and let me fall"

Song : Skinny Love - Bon Iver


Very Short Recap:

(I know it's been a wait for an update, so I thought I'd include this to help refresh some memories if you need it.)

*Drew & Harry met at Frankies (at Alex's birthday - she pulled that blind stunt)

*Harry is 27 & Drew is 26.

*Harry is a hairdresser, and Drew works at a burger joint.

* He got the pig ornament because she said she wouldn't hang out with him unless they saw a pig with wings.

* Harry had been married before, for a year (to Kara), and it ended 4 years ago. He had come to Australia a month before he met drew.

* Drew and her ex Bryce broke up almost 2 years ago.

*Harry and Drew had the fight over Harry calling her just a friend to him, she gave him back the pig, then he turned up at her house drunk.

* After that he took her out and they sat on the hood of his car to talk.

* He told her he drove his motorbike into a tree back in England, Drew is the only one that knows it was on purpose.

*Drew opened up to him about attempting to take her life a year ago (over a year at this point isn't he story now)

* They are now officially dating. He asked Drew if she'd keep the pig again. She said yes.

*Drews mum is still at her sisters but coming back soon.

* In the last chapter Drew had a night terror / nightmare, and after work Harry took her to the rooftop to hang out and they danced to Queen, after she gave him pins for his jacket and some heart candies with insults on them.


This is something I never honestly saw myself doing again.

I'm cooking dinner.

Specifically, I am cooking Harry dinner... well it's for both of us, but I wanted to make it for him.

I used to love doing this, cooking in general, and one of my favourite things was making a meal for someone I care about... but for so long I forgot what that even felt like.

Honestly the idea of food was too exhausting, the mere idea of chewing it made me tired. It felt like a chore and I couldn't be bothered with it. There was no enjoyment in it any more.

I'm finding myself looking forward to it at the moment though, and also really nervous. I hope I don't screw it up. I hope he likes it.

Harry picked me up from work tonight, waiting leant against his car with a bright smile on his face. He didn't even scowl at Sam, when he had followed me out after locking the front door.

I thought things were meant to work the opposite way, I thought you were meant to get those seasick butterflies and heart flutters in the beginning and then they dissipated.

However seeing him standing there, twirling his keys around his finger with his hands hung in front of him, it's enough to knock the breath out of an elite endurance athlete.

I doubt I'll ever figure out how he can just stand around in torn jeans, covered in patches, an old even more tattered shirt under his denim jacket and look like he's ready for the cover of a magazine.

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