Chapter Twenty Four.

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"There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat"

"There goes my babyShe knows how to rock 'n' rollShe drives me crazyShe gives me hot and cold feverThen she leaves me in a cool cool sweat"

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So Harry paid for the pizza and I hope he chokes on it.

I bet that sneaky son of a bitch could sell ice to a penguin, god he's infuriating.

Know what else is infuriating? The fact I'm enjoying his fucking company.

When the pizza arrived, he answered the door before I could; shoving the money at the teenager and telling him to keep the change before turning with an innocent smile to look at me where I was glaring at him from the couch.

He then said if I was really upset about it, I could just pay for the food next time.

Next time.

I asked why he assumed there would be a next time and he said " well if there isn't a next time, obviously you don't mind me paying for the pizza tonight and just leaving it at that"

I sat with a petulant glare at the TV while Harry picked a movie, again looking happy with himself when I didn't argue again about there being a next time where I would buy him dinner.

He picked the movie Gremlins, which surprised me but also made me give him a suspicious squint.

When I asked him why he picked it, he simply pointed at Gizmo and then looked at me with a 'well duh' expression saying "Wasn't hard to put two and two together and realise you like that movie"

... Okay so maybe it's my favourite movie of all time, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of telling him that.

Gizmo sat on the ground watching us as we started to eat our pizza, staring at Harry like he was Romeo and Gizmo was a tubby slobbering love sick whore of a Juliet; and I rolled my eyes when Harry tried to inconspicuously pick bits of meat off his pizza and drop them on the floor for him.

Gizmo isn't a quiet eater, he's like a vacuum that makes wheezing pig noises every time he inhales but I decided to not say anything; smiling to myself when Harry was practically eating a vegetarian pizza by the time Gizmo was done harassing him.

I was picking at my own pizza, following the same ritual I always do with eating all the topping first before I eat the base - its an old habit I haven't been able to kick, sometimes old rituals just stick with you.

At least I can vaguely enjoy food sometimes these days, not often, but I'm better than I use to be.

"Okay - No, stop stop. I can't watch this any more - what are you doing?" Harry asks from his spot next to me, where he has sat far closer than he needs to.

He's glancing from my naked pizza slice, then to my face with an incredulous expression.

I look to my pizza slice and back to him "Knitting a sweater, what does it look like I'm doing?"

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