45 - I'll Make Him Scream.

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Few days later, commander Yoongi came to meet Taehyung. Hoseok was there at the time and all 3 of them got to talk.

"So, I've managed to get some information. It seems like prince Kai had sent some people on a secret mission just few days after the UN summit and they had been here for about 3 weeks." Yoongi started off and Taehyung groaned in dismay.

The prince couldn't believe how stupid he had been. The whole reason for not having Jungkook close at the UN was to protect the younger from something like this. And then, he let it all go to waste because he couldn't control himself.

"Someone seemed to have given him information from our side too. The attackers knew too much information about Jungkook, the fights and it just doesn't seem feasible for them to act alone. We have a traitor amongst us." Yoongi continued with a troubled expression.

"Do you have any idea who?" Taehyung asked in a intimidating way.

"Not yet. I do have some leads and will let you know as soon as they pay off." Yoongi answered.

"Thank you, Yoongi hyung." Taehyung said again and both Yoongi and Hoseok could see how worried he is.

"Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this. And we have to do it fast because I don't think this is the end of it. There might be more attacks." Hoseok chipped in and Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"More?!" Taehyung whispered, clearly terrified by the idea.

"Quite possibly. Prince Kai is known to be notorious when he wants something. He's not the type to let go things." Yoongi explained.

"He's doing this because of me." Taehyung said as he ran a hand over his face.

"We can't be sure but that does seem like the most probable reason. His pride must have been hurt when you rejected him that time." Hoseok said with a sigh.

"Should we call him?? I want to talk with the bastard." Taehyung said in a tight voice and Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged a look.

"That might not be wise. Since the king has almost stepped down from the throne, prince Kai is quite powerful." Yoongi said cautiously.

"I don't fucking care!! I know how to rattle his cage without dragging the country in to this. Yoongi, make the call. And make sure it's a private line. I have some things I like to discuss with him."

Yoongi quickly makes some calls and after about 15 minutes Taehyung gets a call from prince Kai.

"Prince Taehyung, well this is a pleasant surprise."

"Wish I could say the same, prince Kai. I take it you already know why I'm calling."

"I might have an idea, yeah. I was expecting a call ever since Jenny told me how nice you've been to her at the ball. I'm so glad that we can talk without pretending anymore. It was very annoying to be good infront of you. So tell me, what can I do for you?"

"Rest assured, it was annoying for me to pretend like I believe your sweet talk too. What I want you to do is to leave my boyfriend alone."

"Ohh... direct!! I like that. And what can I get in return?"


"Oh come on, Tae. We both know it's not about him. Or are you really that stupid?"

Taehyung was silent for few seconds as he didn't know what to say to that. Prince Kai took his silence as an act of submission and continued his talking.

"I have to say, I knew Namjoon had a pretty brother but I didn't expect you to be this beautiful. And you turned out to be quite a fireball. I can almost picture my self doing so many nasty things to you."

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