43 - Two Dragon's Dance.

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A/N - so I'm just gonna say it, this chapter is stupid. 😔😔  It's a stupid idea that I had and I tried all day to make it presentable and this was the best I could come up with. I debated between to take few days off and try to make it better or just get it published today so that we can move past it and get back to business tomorrow. 😊😊

So please just read it and forget about it, there's only few point that needs to be taken from this part and those will be revealed in the next chapter. They are kind of important otherwise I would have just scrapped the entire thing.

So I really hope you enjoy it, 😊😊although I'm pretty sure you will not.

The palace is hosting a tournament to showcase the talents of the country's army and people. As one of the oldest traditions in the country, this tournament started about 150 years ago and occurs once in every 3 years.

The tournament categories varied such as traditional fight formats, martial arts formats and modern fighting methods. Ofcourse the weapons used in the fights are to be blunt as this is a friendly competition with minimum injuries.

It's an opportunity for the army, specially the guards, to show their skills and worth but also a chance for the common people to gain recognition. There were many good finds that were discovered in this tournament who are now holding high positions in the army.

The invited allied countries are also sending a team or two as per the tradition but they are mostly for performances on the final day, showcasing their own country specific or traditional fighting methods. These people needs to go through a strict security check before entering.

This is actually the first time Jungkook is participating in this as he was not in the country for the last one and he has enrolled himself for several categories. The prince is actually very proud of him, he can't wait for his boyfriend to show off his skills.

The preliminary rounds were conducted over the course of two weeks and the finals of the each category will be held in a grand arena, specially build for this. Commander Yoongi and high officials of the army are in charge of the security and they have been very busy with the preparation.

The king and the queen are to attend the finals as it's hosted in their names as per the tradition. They are to be seated in a special podium but it's quite in the open so commander Yoongi is actually very much stressed these days.

The people absolutely love the king and queen and would give their lives to protect them but you can't be sure about any enemy attacks. The security has to be very strict for both the royal couple and prince Taehyung.

And there is to be a ball in the night to celebrate the champions, for which most of the allied country leaders and families are invited. It's one of the main occasions to strengthen the friendship bonds between the allied countries.

Finaly the grand final day of the tournament arrived and the royal family was seated in their podium, along with close friends and high officials.

Yoongi, Hoseok and only few other guards were there as some were put on various duties but most were participating in the tournament. Jimin was also there with his family.

The first part of the show which was for the standard army and general public was a huge success. There were few very talented commoners whom the king handpicked and they will be contacted by commander Yoongi's office on a later day.

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