Cute 'n Romantic

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This one is for: KashuvinieMevelyn
I hope you like it♥️♥️

The snow was falling silently outside. It was one of those freezing cold winter qdays but you had it warm and cozy as you sat in front of the fireplace in the living room.
Michael and you had decided to spend the start of christmas time in a cute cottage up in the hills before you would go back to Neverland to celebrate christmas with your families.
Michael was currently outside because he wanted to go for a morning walk in the knee high snow. But you didn't want to go with him - it was just so cold! And why did he feel the need to walk around in snow that reached up to his knees?
You didn't understand him but maybe that was because you grew up in a country where you'd have tons of snow every winter. It was still fascinating to watch the little snowflakes dance no matter how many winters you'd experience it but Michael wanted to feel it and touch it and walk around in it.
Sometimes he just was like a small child.
It was one of the reasons you adored him for: no matter his age he would always admire even the smallest things like a child that was excited about their present even if it was just a simple shirt wrapped in plain gray paper.

You decided to enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate while he was outside and read your favorite book in the warmth of the fireplace.
It was already 11:30 at night but you didn't feel tired yet. Partly because it was your birthday in half an hour and you had the feeling the Michael was preparing something for you wherever he was at the moment.

But you didn't have to wait too long for him to come back. At exactly 11:55 he entered the lovingroom in his thick winter clothes, his cheeks as red as apples from the cold.

He held a warm blanket in his hand as he reached the other one out to you.
"Come on, Mevelynn.", he said.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but you trusted your boyfriend and let him lead you to the front door after he had placed the blanket securely around your shoulders.

"Ok, wait a moment." ,he then said and let go of your hands.
"What...", you said as he placed a black scarf over your eyes, "Michael, what are you -"
"Trust me, love."

Alright then, you thought to yourself and a few moments later you felt the ice cold air around your nose.

"Why are we outside?", you asked. You had always been quite impatient when it came to - well, basically everything. So it was most of the time pretty hard for Michael to surprise you with anything because you would squeeze it out of him somehow but not this time.

He just giggled in the cute high voice of his and kept leading you through the snowy landscape.
Although you weren't really sure if you even walked through that, the snow had went up to Mike's knees when he had left several hours ago but all you could feel under your shoes was the ground which occasionaly let out squeaky sounds like snow does sometimes when you walk over it.

You didn't have more time to think about thaz anyway cuz Michael stopped and put his arms around you waist as he whispered: "You can take the scarf off now."

"It's not gonna be something scary or anything, is it?"
You were a bit suspicious because Michael loved a good scare. Although you wouldn't really expect that of him on your birthday.
"No, no", he giggled again.

And you were in awe after you had taken the scarf off. There was a small tent in the middle of the backyard iluminated by cute little lights scattered all around it and you could see that inside it was a fireplace which was lit with some pillows and blankets around it.

"They told me I could build it around the fireplace.", Michael said a bit sheepishly, referring to the tent, "said it wouldn't catch fire so I really hope they weren't lying."

This time it was you who giggled. He was just so cute and the way he felt the need to asure you that he hadn't made a mistake and you were safe with him - he was just the most loving, cute and amazing boyfriend.

And that's what you told him after you gave him a passionate kiss on his soft plump lips.

As you entered the tent with him, you were embraced with the comforting heat frok the fireplace. It looked even more cozy now that you were actually in it.

"Happy birthday, Mevelynn.", he whispered softly in your ear after you had both sat down in a pile of pillows and blankets with the first one now wrapped around both of you as you were cuddled to his chest.

"I brought some drinks and food and also board games out here.", he said after a while of you two just cuddling and sharing a few kisses now and then, "I thought we could start your birthday in a romantic and realxing way and after we've slept later on we can start with the partying."
He winked at you on the last part and you blushed.

And that is exactly what you two did. It was one of the best birthday you had ever had -well, how could it not be with such an amazing boyfriend by your side. You played some boardgames, talked about whatever came to your minds and ate all the candy Michael had brought outside. When you eventually got tired, he carried you inside, tucked you into bed and came back for yet another round of cuddling after he had turned off the fire - just in case, he said.

Alriiiiiight! I know it's been an eternity since you've last heard of me. But hey, I am still here, I am still active and I still love this book. I've finished school meanwhile and have now gotten started with university - who even reads this, why am I telling you this😂. Well, anyway I hope there's still some of you out there who read this book and to KashuvinieMevelyn I hope you like your fictional birthday with Michael, I tried to make it the best I could althought I know it's been a while since I've last been writing.♥️♥️

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