When You're Feeling Down

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'I need to get home.'
That was what you were thinking the whole way back to your little flat.
You had just lost your job at the bakery for being too late one too many times. Your boss had warned you several times but now he really fired you.
When you finally slammed the door shut behind your back, you stopped trying to hold the tears back and just let them flow.
"Where?", you began to whisper, frantically searching through your brathroom.
"I can't make new ones on my arm, I must look decent when I go to a job interview...", you continued to whsiper while now searching in the cupboard next to your bed, "And my legs are already, no - maybe my stomach..."
If you had someone to truly trust with that topic and you would've told that person, then maybe you wouldn't be starting to panic now because you couldn't find your razor blade.
But you didn't trust anyone enough to tell them, not your best friend and not your family. You were way too afraid that they might abandon you and see you as a weak failure.
'My parents don't deserve such a destroyed up child, they love me and they don't need to know about this. And my friends as well, I can deal with my own problems.', that's what you always thought.
And you believed it. You were alone with this and you didn't want to share it with anyone.
'I would just annoy them cause I couldn't stop talking about my own stupid problems. I'm so selfish, my problems aren't even that bad. There are people that are suffering from war and hunger and I'm complaining and cutting my skin because I find myself ugly and useless. I'm too stupid to deal with my own life.', you kept thinking. Then you finally found your razor under your pillow.
You sighed, relaxed that you had found the item that would make all these annoying thoughts go away for a while.
It was not that you wanted to kill yourself though, never! You had plans for your life and your really loved the life your were living and were very thankful for it. You just had a few - okay, quite many - scars all over your body.
"But it's alright.", you whispered, "It's gonna be alright, I can show them that I'm not that wrecked. I'm not, no.", you stuttered inbetween hiccups. It really upset you to be talking to yourself about your insecurities but you had to do it. If you kept it in, then you would have random crying attacks when someone critized you just a tiny bit. It happened before.
Slowly, really slowly you put the blade onto your skin.
You pushed a little and -
You shrieked, the blade fell out of your hand and you fell off of your bed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.", a soft voice right behind you said.
You quickly turned around and immediately let out another scream.
"Sssh, Y/N. It's just me.", he said and walked towards you.
"But... but", you stuttered and stared at the white hand that this man reached out for you.
"You - you're Michael Jackson.", you finally managed to say.
"I am.", he answered and at the same time laid his hand lightly on your knee.
It felt warm, like warm water slowly running down your leg but it stayed on your knee and didn't drip down.
"But how - why..."
"I'm always there. I never left any Moonwalker alone, Y/N. I promised to keep protecting you just like you protect and defend me.", he explained in that soft voice.
You still couldn't believe that you were really looking into those deep brown eyes and that he was really here smiling at you.
"I... but I..."
"Please don't do that anymore.", he whispered and stroked over your tummy once where you had wanted to cut yourself.
"It's really not that easy.", you said, your voice almost inaudible.
And you felt like you were betraying him with that sentence, you loved him so much and he always gave you strength but here you were making it sound like you didn't even want to try to stop cutting.
"What about a deal then?"
"A - a deal?", you would've never thought that Mike was the type of person to be into making deals.
"Yes, Y/N.", he said, "Everytime you feel the need to cut, just talk to me. Let it all out, I don't mind if you cry or scream, just - just talk to me, yeah?"
"But you can't possibly always have time -"
"Well, that's one of the advantages of being a - a spirit, I guess. I have time for every single one of you that needs help or even if you just need someone to talk to about how cute your crush is or whatever..."
You just nodded, stunned by those information.
He also didn't say anything.
Simply silence and more silence -
"I love you.", you suddenly blurted out.
A huge smile spread across his face and he answered: "I love you more."
It felt like your heart began to swell up and everything felt warm. Just to hear him say thosd words, god it was so wonderful.
"So do we have a deal?"
"Y - yes.", you answered and then nodded several times to underline that you were sure in that desicion.
"Thank you, that makes me really glad.", he smiled and opened his arms for a long warm hug.
"Thank you."
You didn't feel the need to self harm anymore - at least not now. And when you'd feel it again, you knew that Michael would be listening and you could talk to him whenever you wanted.
There was still one question in your mind though: "But are you sure that I won't be annoying you with my stuff?"
You kept you face pressed against his chest so it sounded kinda muffled.
"Never. I told you - I promised you that you can talk to me. You'll always find love and hope in me if you need it.", Michael said softly while stroking your back, "I'll be there, Y/N."

I feel like I should have wrote that imagine a while ago already, I really needed to write it. Now I've finally had the courage to do it and I hope you like it just as much as I do :)



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