So Nervous

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It was only half an hour left. Half an hour!
That was not enough and you felt so not ready for it.
Okay, yes you had said that you were ready the past few days but now there were no more than a few minutes left before you would have to go on stage.
"Try to calm down a bit, sweetie.", Michael said as he laid a hand on your shoulder. That stopped you from walking endless circles in your dressing room but definitely not your nervousness.
"I won't even try to tell you that you won't feel like this anymore after a while, that you'll get used to it cause you can't. It will fade a little but you will always be nervous before a performance."
"Wow, thanks, Mike. That really helped me now.", you murmured sarcastically and pulled on a curled up strand of your already perfectly styled hair.
He only giggled at that, though.
"Yeah, yeah. Very funny. You can laigh at that - you were practically born to be on stage!"
You leaned your head against the white colored wall. Your nerves were wrecking you completely.
"I'll be here the whole time, Y/N.", he said and softly caressed your back. How was it possible that he was still so gentle with you when you were being so annoying to him?
Well, whatever it was - it was definitely one of the reasons why you loved this man - with pitch black curls, a cute little nose, amazingly sparkling big eyes and so on - so much.
"And if you messed up I'll be waiting here with open arms and some hot chocolate ready for you."
You giggled and felt some tears spring into your eyes at his cuteness.
You swore it were the nerves that were getting you so close to tears from only a few words.
"I - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so... stupid and annoying. I'm just soo freaking nervous.", the last part you were only whispering and looking at Michael with big slightly fearfilled eyes.
"It's okay, I can relate to that. But just try to calm down a bit, really. I know it's hard but - "
"Can you cuddle me please?", you shyly interrupted him.
A huge smile appeared on his face: "Of course."
He placed his arms around your waist and you snuggled as close to his chest as you could, hiding your face in his red shirt.
"Tak some deep breaths for me, yeah?", he whsipered in your ear and kissed the top of your head afterwards.
You did as he asked. In and out. In and out...

"Y/N?", a woman's voice suddenly said, "You'll be up in a minute."
You felt Michael nodding towards the woman, then he said: "Ok, come on sweetie. I know you can do it, you're gonna be amazing."
"You seriously think so? No kidding?", you asked unsure of yourself.
"Of course.", he said softly and laughed while saying it. (Wow, I could like really hear what he sounds like when he says this 'of course' in my mind, like he giggles so damn cute while he says it - okay, sorry, on with the story!) "Well then...", you said, took another deep breath, losened yourself from Mike and went towards the stage with a last reassuring look to him.

The stage was still completely dark when you stepped on it and it relaxed you a little to not be able to see all the people yet.
In the next moment, though, the music of your song 'Reminds Me Of You' started.
You slowly lifte your microphone to your lips while the lights began to get brighter.
Just as you could finally see the faces of the people in the first row, you started singing: "Every single time when I look up...."
At first they were all really quiet and you hectically began to wonder if you where actually singing the right lines or if you had the wrong pitch or if you just sounded really horrible. But then - when you started the first chorus - they all began to sing along with bright smiles on their faces.
When the song was over you felt like you had gone deaf. They were still clapping when you left the stage and cheering extremely loud!
"See!", Michael shouted as soon as he spottef you coming back into the backstage area, "I told you you'd be amazing!"
You started running and jumped happily into his arms. The whole time you couldn't hold back your relieved laughter and then you kissed his face wherever you could reach.
"Thank you, Mike. I love you so much!", you said inbetween kisses.
And he just told you to thank the fans instead cause they were supporting you so good and then smiled deeply.

Hiiiii! Did you like this imagine? Hope you did but I wanted to say:
I do actually have written a song called 'Reminds Me Of You' cuz I love to write songs and this one was for Michael - please comment if you want me to put it in the next chapter :)

Next imagine is gonna be Part 2 of 'What That Teacher Does To Me' btw 🙃



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