What That Teacher Does To Me (Part 2)

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Part 2

"This will be your last test before you all will do your A-levels. It's a preparation for them, just like the last one you wrote with your former history teacher.", Michael said and handed out the papers.
Yes, you were only two weeks away from your A-levels and only one more month until your graduation.
Only a few days ago, you would have felt so happy about that but now - your graduation would mean the end of having to be in this hell hole but it would also mean that you wouldn't get to see Michael anymore. And in the last two weeks since he defended you in front of your classmates you had got to know him as just Michael much better and you had started to like him. Okay, you had fallen for the twenty five year old man quite hard...
"Y/N?", he asked softly when he noticed that you still hadn't started writing after a while.
Your eyes went wide and then you quickly lowered them onto the sheet of paper.
Did you really just imagine how it would be to have your teacher as your boyfriend? Oh god, you must not be in your right mind. But it would be amazing, wouldn't it? To wake up with this beautiful man hugging you from behind and then making you breakfast and afterwards - "Y/N!"
"Y - yes, Mi- Mr Jackson?"
"You have ten minutes left, I suggest you start writing something now."

"Y/N, is everything okay? You seemed really distracted today.", Michael said worriedly.
You were back in his classroom, just like all the days before when school was over. And since you were only living with your big brother (who was mainly drunk and partying - you'd probably never know how he still had the money to pay for your flat), nobody was seriously worried where you were.
"It's nothing, Mike. Don't worry."
"But I do.", he argued and layed a ratrer big hand on your shoulder. That was a gesture he did pretty often and it always helped you to calm down much faster than anythihg else.
"No, really it's..."
"What?", he insisted.
"No, I... I can't tell you that.", you answered and swallowed.
"And why is that?", he always managed to keep a calm and soft tone even when he was talking about serious stuff or fuming inside.
Silence after that.
"God damnit, you're my teacher!", you suddenly screamed and while Michael tried - or started trying to explain how he was only your teacher in the lessons but in your freetime he was just Michael, you did a move that happened so often in those cliché romances and you absolutely hated those: you ran away...

So I know this part is pretty short but I'm thinking about making this a single book as well. If you want 'W.T.T.D.T.M.' (What That Teacher Does To Me)
to be a book on its own, comment it!!!



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