He Wants To Sing

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"How do you feel, Mike? Better?", you asked your husband Michael worried.
He had caught a cold and was laying in bed since yesterday.
"Yes.", he answered, "Much better."
But his voice told you the opposite thing. He sounded very husky.
"Are you sure? Your voice sounds really-" "My voice is totally okay.", Michael interrupted you.
You looked at him in disbelieve and he stared back.
After a few seconds he suddenly jumped out of the bed.
"Oh god, you scared me!", you said by his sudden movement.
He ignored this and said: "I am totally fine and I can prove it!" while running to the door of the bedroom that you two shared.
"Hey,wait Michael! Where are you going?"
He ignored you again and ran down the stairs.
"Hey!", you now screamed after him, "You're supposed to stay in bed! Michael!"
But then you realised that he wouldnt come back to you so you just sighed and ran after him.

You finally found him in his recording studio.
"Michael, what are you doing down here?", you asked him confused.
"Waiting for you, Y/N. So I can show you how healthy I am.", he answered and walked to the microphone.
Now you were even more confused.
Could it be that he wanted to- No! He wouldn't do this right now. It would sound reaaally weird. And probably so horrible that you would think your ears were going to fall off.
"And now listen to me, Y/N. Because I'm gonna sing now." You looked at him with wide eyes. He really wanted to do this.
"Mike, wait, you can't-" But he just turned towards the microphone, coughed and began to sing.

Looking out
Across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear her voice...

You almost couldn't believe your own ears. Maybe his singing didn't sound that bad that you ears were going to fall off. But it sounded... Yea, just horrible.
You loved the song 'Human Nature' but from now you would remember this moment everytime you would hear it.
When he sang the refrain you couldn't hold it back anymore. You began to giggle and laugh uncontrollably.
Michael looked at you in irritation but didn't stop his singing.
You had to find a way to stop him and since you knew he wouldn't listen to you if you would only tell him to stop, you thought about another way for a minute.
Then you said: "Michael, your producer wanted to come over today, remember? Have you told him that he can't come 'cause you are to ill to sing?"
He stopped the singing and grinned wide. "No, of course not.", he then said.
"What? But why?" He rolled his eyes and answered: "Because I CAN sing. I just showed you."
You looked at him in shock. "Michael", you said with a serious tone, "You can't sing like that infront of your producer. You will be embarrassing yourself and-"
"You think, I'm gonna embarrass myself?", he looked at you in disbelief.
"Yes.", you said still with the serious tone.
He shook his head and that's when someone knocked at the door.
"Oh, there he is. Just on time.", Michael said getting a little excited.
He opened the door and his producer was standing infront of you.
"Hello.", he said smiling a little.
You just nodded your head at him but Michael greeted him, getting even more excited because he wanted to tell him about a new song.
"I think, it is really good and it is a lovesong.",he talked all the way back to the microphone.
"Michael, are you sure-" "Yes! I know me and I know my voice!"
You sighed, knowing that there was no way to stop him. He was going to embarrass himself so badly.
You watched his producer as Michael began singing. And it was priceless.
His facial expressions were fading away slowly, then showing nothing but pure shock.
You tried to hold back your laughter but you just couldn't.
Michael gave you an annoyed look and then he looked to his producer. When he saw his face, he became unsure, stopped singing and coughed once again.
"Is it... so good?" "Err... err...", he was totally speechless.
And that Mikes own producer didn't knew what to say made you laugh even more.
"Maybe", you said after a while, "He should come another time again, Michael. You are way to ill to sing today."
Michaels had turned to you very fast and he opened his mouth to protest but his producer was faster: "Yes. Yes, that is a good idea. Err... Goodbye for now..."
And then he almost ran out of the studio.
Now Michael was the one who had lost his facial expressions.
"Was... was I really that bad?", he asked, tears appearing in his eyes.
"You are just ill, Michael. It will be gone soon.", you calmed him down.
He looked at you with a sad face. "Come on, go back to bed and have a nap. It will help."
He sighed and then looked at you shyly. "I love you, Y/N.", he said as if it was the first time he told you this.
"I know.", you answered, "And I love you too."

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