Cuddles And Guilt

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You were really tired but you couldn't stop working until you had all your work done. You could not risk to get fired and your boss was really strict.
So you grabbed the what felt like thousandth paper and started to read it.
But you couldn't concentrate well because you were thinking about Michael. You had been avoiding your boyfriend for the last two weeks. You didn't want to get distracted by him.
But you felt really bad because he often tried to comfort you. He did bring you tea and cookies. He kissed and hugged you. He even tried to relax you by giving you a massage. But you never took the tea or the cookies and you did not let him kiss or massage you.
And then he gave up. He left you alone, so you could concentrate on your work.
But yesterday you heared him crying himself to sleep and you felt so guilty, knowing that he did that because of you.
"That's it.", you suddenly said to yourself and stood up, "I can't take it no more." And you walked down the stairs into the living room.
Michael was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. But he was barely paying attention to the cartoon, he was just staring at it with sad eyes.
You carefully made your way behind the couch and wrapped your arms around his neck and layed your hands on his chest. He jumped at the sudden feeling and turned his head towards you.
"Y/N.", he whispered as if he couldn't believe his eyes.
You smiled a little bit and then you said: "I'm sorry."
He gave you a confused look. So you explained: "I'm so sorry for ignoring you the past two weeks, Michael. I love you."
Then you let go of him and walked around the couch and sat next to him.
"You do?", Michael asked. You looked at him with big eyes and answered: "Of course, I do. You mean the world to me. How could I ever stop loving you?"
He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I love you more.", he then said.
Then you two were silent for a while. But you couldn't hold it back anymore. You needed to cuddle with him so badly. So you quietly asked: "Michael?"
"Yes, Y/N?", he said.
"C-can we cuddle, please?", you asked him and you felt yourself blushing.
He smiled and leaned in closer to you. "Of course, we can." And with that he wrapped his arms tightly around you and you put your head on his shoulder.
After a while, Michael giggled silently and you looked up to him, confused. He grinned and said: "By the way, I forgive you."
You smiled widely and then you two cuddled on the couch until you both fell asleep.

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