seventy five - Wings of Fire

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Undauntable POV:

Couldn't. Move. 

Undauntable struggled against his frozen-ness. His father was heading up to the attic now! He would find Leaf and Butterfly any minute now! He had to get up there, and stop him. Kill him. As much as the thought of it made his stomach churn. 

"And there you are," said his father's oily voice. Uh oh. He was too late. Undauntable slumped as much as he could, which was not possible in any way. They were all doomed. All going to be dead. Except him, being the oh-so-special son of the evil man. "Young boy, why were you not sent with the rest of the servants?" 

There was a thump. Undauntable hoped his father had not just kicked the little boy to the ground. He was, what? Eleven? 

But that thump changed everything, although Undauntable didn't know it at the time. Butterfly would soon explain, when he felt ready. Because, of course, taking one's life—even that of an evil man—was heartbreaking, and left dire consequences on a person. 

Not five seconds after the thump, Undauntable was able to slump. But he no longer felt like it. He sprinted to the room three doors down from Wren's and climbed the rickety ladder up to the attic. 

Blood. That was what he first saw.

Then the body. His father, with a dagger in his head, the life drained out of his eyes, which were seething with hate. Then he looked slowly in front of his father, bile rising in his throat. There was Butterfly, eyes terrified, three daggers laying right at his feet. The poor boy looked like he was going to faint. 

With one last glance at his dead father, he rushed to take the little boy in his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked, examining him, shielding his eyes from the horrific sight. "What about Leaf?" he added when the boy nodded shakily. Butterfly lifted a shaking hand and pointed at a pile of boxes which must have been what Sophie had made to hide Butterfly and Leaf. 

There was a scream coming form the opposite side of the fortress. Undauntable panicked. Who was that? His father couldn't have sent something to hurt someone in the throne room, before he died, right? "Come on!" he cried to Butterfly, who scrambled to follow his fast pace. Two minutes later he was standing, panting, in front of the big double doors of the throne room. Violet and Daffodil there, guarding the doors stone-faced with two guards' swords. 

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear Sophie scream?" he berated the girls. "Open up!" 

"No," said Violet robotically. "Not allowed." 

"No one is allowed inside," Daffodil added.

"Why? I'm on your side!" he threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He made a step forward, but Daffodil thrust her sword in his face and he backpedaled into the wall. Butterfly followed suit, eyes widening. The girls didn't dignify that with a response.

"Hello?" he waved a hand in Daffodil's unblinking face. "Why are you guarding this door? You're supposed to be in the other two hallways! You could have stopped my father without him having to—" he paused with a glance at Butterfly, who then vomited all over the floor.  

Undauntable realized he was having a one-sided conversation. "Open UP, will you? You know what? I shouldn't even have to ask. You know why? I'm the Invincible Lord now. I can quite frankly order you to open up. And I will! Open up. That's an order from the Invincible Lord." he glared at the girls, certain they'd just ignore them and he'd have to push through, or he would be too late, again. He couldn't take that risk.

But surprisingly, Violet and Daffodil obediently opened up the doors, standing by without so much as batting an eye at them. Undauntable hurried though, Butterfly hot on his heels, still reeking of his vomit. 

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