fifty six - KOTLC

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Marella POV:

"Why would we do that?" Maruca had snorted.

"Oh," Lady Gisela had said carelessly, waving a hand, "I expected that question. Well, let me tell you. I have currently some people in my possession. Like, for example, Wylie. Or maybe Caprise Redek. And, naturally, Sophie," 

Marella and Maruca had gasped simultaneously. Dex looked incredulous at the time (and he still did). "You take people that people love to make them join your cause? " he'd asked, reeling.

Lady Gisela had shrugged. "Like I said, I don't have Sophie's recruiting skills. I use whatever works."

Marella couldn't breathe. Her mom was in the hands of the Neverseen! "How could you?" she'd whispered. 

Lady Gisela had shrugged again. "Like I said, whatever works. I need a new Pyrokinetic, Psionipath and, well, a new Technopath might be good, as well. My plans require it. So? I'll give you some time. A day, yes? Consider well, my friends. Meet back here under the banyan tree. I expect a lot from you. Don't disappoint me," On that note, she had lightleaped away.

No one spoke for a long time.

"At least we know we can light leap back now," Marella had said weakly.

No one answered. 

"Well?" asked Maruca. "You have to know that they'll hurt Sophie." 

Dex shook his head again. "You heard her. She said Sophie already served her purpose. For all we know, they'll hurt her anyways. Besides, it's probably better if someone isn't with the Neverseen. Right?"

Marella and Maruca exchanged a glance. Dex had been gloomy ever since Lady Gisela had threatened everyone. Sure, she and Maruca were worried. Really worried. But they knew the only way to save their family from harm was to join. 

Today was the day Lady Gisela had promised to come. Dex had stayed by his decision the whole day yesterday, and today, and the girls didn't know how to convince him otherwise. The humans promised they'd help drive Dex out of his funk and bring him back to Jerboa's hut. Apparently, they had met Jerboa last year by accident. They had no problem trusting her.

"Well, Dex," Marella tried again, "you can't just stay here. Alone,"

"I can," Dex insisted. "I'm sure I'll be fine. And I have my home crystal. In case of emergencies I can get home."

Maruca sighed. "But—"

"I'll be fine, okay? Just . . . go with them, try to find Wylie and Marella's mom and Sophie and even Keefe. Take this gadget, okay? It looks like your typical jewel. But you can unpin it from your clothes and whisper into it. I'll hear what you say, and give you extras for others. I'll be fine, you can keep me updated. The jewel even self-destructs it you squeeze it for five seconds. See?" Dex handed them an assortment of small crystals. 

"It's noon," said Wren from where she was having lunch across the platform. "You should get going. We'll take care of Dex," 

"I can take care of myself!" Dex snapped.

Wren shrugged. 

"We'll see you soon, Dex," Marella said, giving him a brief hug. Maruca stuck with a nod and a small smile. "Please stay safe," she begged.

Dex rolled his eyes. "I have dragons for backup. Stay safe, too," he added, concern clear in his eyes—the most clear emotion Marella had seen in him for the past few days. 

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