forty six - KOTLC

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Sophie POV:

". . . NO, IT WAS YOU WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO DO IT!" a voice yelled, jerking Sophie awake.

"NO, YOU WERE!" Another voice screamed.

"NOW WHAT?" the first yelled again.

Sophie groaned. It was still dark outside, maybe around 5 a.m., so who were these people and what were they doing?

"We MOVE! GET EVERYONE AND GO!" the second screeched.

"WHAT? NO! I SAY WE FIGHT!" said the first voice, stomping a foot—something Sophie had neither seen (nor heard) in ages (if ever).

Sophie pushed herself up groggily, her head spinning and eyelids heavy.

"What's going on?" she asked, struggling to open the door.

Winter and Sundew turned, spotted her, and yelled simultaneously: "(S)HE'S NOT LISTENING TO ME!"

Sophie sighed. "You two sound like Wynn and Luna: Dragon form."

"WHO'RE WYNN AND LUNA?" the yelled.

"Me?" an even groggier Luna (the SilkWing, not the alicorn) stepped out from the hut.

"Oh yeah, you share a name with a very obnoxious alicorn baby, did you know that?" Sophie said.

"That doesn't sound good," Luna mumbled before turning to go back into the hut again. "You guys woke me up. Shut it,"

"See? Exactly my point!" Sophie exclaimed. "What's all this about?"

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" they both yelled again.

"You know, you guys are very much like each other," a voice said from behind Sophie. "Both of you are sarcastic, obnoxious, loud and—"


Hazel smiled and said, "You still haven't decided what to do with the invaders."

"WHAT?" This time it was Sophie's turn to yell. "Who?"

Winter looked away.

"We don't know!" Sundew cried. "Some army is coming. LOOK!" she pointed north, where a group of shadows were rapidly winging their way to Jerboa's small beach.

But Sophie was more fixated on Winter's reaction. "You know who they are, don't you?" she asked.

He wouldn't reply.

"OH YEAH!" Sundew said loudly and pointedly, staring daggers at Winter. "HE SHOULD KNOW, HE LIVES HERE."

"Shhh!" Hazel said. "You'll wake everyone!"

"Too late. We're already up," said Fitz, coming out with Marella, Maruca and Biana, who were all blinking and rubbing their eyes.

"See?" Hazel scolded.

"Who is it, Winter?" Sophie pressed, but before he could reply, they heard a rustle, a muffled curse and saw a gleaming white flash pass between two palm trees.

"Who's there?" Sundew growled.


"YOU COME OUT OR I'LL—" she threatened.

"Winter!" a voice cried, and a white dragon that looked just like Winter bounded out of the trees. Another voice said, "Great, now we're friends with the enemy,"

"Hailstorm?" Winter stammered. "What . . ."

"What is THAT?" Hailstorm yelled, pointing at Sundew and Hazel. "And, hey, look! You got a scavenger pet!" he pointed at Sophie.

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