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"I'm okay mom, don't worry I'm okay." Kian said to Nuan who have teary eyes checking Kian for any bruised.

Everyone is here, even Yang who is busy for her wedding preparations are here with them, all of them arrived together.

"I'm going to make sure that Chen Aki and Chen Milan will root in hell." Qiang said he can see the tears of his wife and the thoughts of Kian gets in danger because of them made his blood boiled.

"Xioli is awake." Lina said standing beside Xioli.

Kian immediately went to Xioli and sit beside her on the bed.

"Kian.." Xioli called she immediately held Kian's arms.

"I'm here, love." Kian said softly and Xioli nods

She's now calm but she still remember what happened and she's not willing to let Kian go without her.

"How are you dear?" Nuan asked Xioli who just smiles before she buried her face on Kian's stomach hugging his waist now.

"What's wrong Xioli?" Lina asked worried

Xioli shake her head and just hug Kian.

"Where is Hansel?" Xioli whispered to Kian who barely heard it but he heard Hansel's name.

"He is staying with Jing and Len." Kian said softly to Xioli

Xioli just nods and the room become silent because of it, they don't know what's wrong with Xioli and why she didn't looking at them and decided to buried herself to Kian.

"Honey, my love, my sweetheart, what's wrong?" Kian asked softly and trying to console his wife.

"I almost danger your life, Kian, I'm sure everyone is worried and angry to me." Xioli said to Kian.

Everyone smiles because of Xioli, they already heard what happened when Xioli woke up after the incident, they need to put her back to sleep because of her panicked attacked.

"Dear, I'm so glad you are both okay." Nuan said softly to Xioli now brushing her hair, she's sitting now on the other side of the bed.

"We are so glad that nothing happened to you." Qiang also said

Xioli look at them, she directly look at their eyes, both of them just smiles to her.

"Mom, dad." Xioli said she throw herself to Nuan and cries on her shoulders

Qiang immediately put his hands on Nuan's back because they almost fall out of the bed.

Nuan rubbing Xioli's back hugging Xioli.

Yang are teary now and she also run to hug her mother and sister in law.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if something bad happened to any of you." Yang said to Xioli

Kian just looking at them, he felt overwhelmed for what he is seeing. He knows that his family love Xioli so much but he didn't know that they love her this much.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that Kian almost got hurt because of me." Xioli said while crying

"Shh darling, we know that you don't want to danger him, calm down sweetheart." Nuan comforting Xioli.

"Mom, I'm so scared when I heard the gunshot, I thought, I thought that Kian got hurt, mom I'm so scared." Xioli said crying

"He is okay, he just did that because he loves you so much, Xioli that's how Lim love their partners." Nuan said, she gentle push Xioli to wipe her face full of tears

"You need to be strong Xioli, because that's how Lim love their partners, they are willing to die just for them, that's why you need to make sure that your family is safe." Nuan said to Xioli

"You are a Lim now Sister Xioli, you are a family, that's how much my brother loves you." Yang said

"No, I need him, Hansel needs him, mom please tell Kian to promise me that he won't do it again." Xioli said but Nuan just smiles at her

"Dad? Yang please tell him." Xioli said now looking at her father in law and sister in law but they just smiles too.

"We are willing to protect you but we are not sure that Kian won't do it again." Nuan said to Xioli but she shake her head.

"Mom please." Xioli said

"Baby, you can't make me promise that because I know that I'm going to broke it, I don't want to break a promise to you." Kian said now helping his parents and sister

"Kian.." Xioli said weakly but Kian just shake his head.

"I love you so much baby love." Kian said kissing Xioli's forehead.

All of them just watch the couple, they are sure if something like this happened again, Kian won't think twice he will jump in front of Xioli to protect her.

They know Kian too much

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