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"Brother Kian, what the hell?" Li Jing said they are inside the meeting room of Lim Empire.

Lim Kian called her after San Kit, now Bai Ting and Li Jing are sitting in front of Lim Kian.

"All you need to do is to buy the stocks and be part of Polar board." Lim Kian said like this is nothing.

"What is the connection between my hotels to hospital?" Li Jing said buying stocks from hospital she doesn't really get it why because Kian still not saying his reason.

"I'm taking down the Yu family." Kian said and Li Jing look at him shock.

Did someone offended Lim Kian? He really didn't do something like this before, they know better than offending Lim Kian.

"And why?" Jing asked

"Yu Ran the son of Polar Hospital director are arrange for marriage." Bai Ting said

"And so? What is wrong with that?" Jing asked

"The mistake on this is, the person he got arrange to is the person who belongs to Lim Kian." Bai Ting said

Li Jing thinks who is the person who is belong to Kian, but only one person are claimed to be owned by Lim Kian on family dinner.

"Chen Xioli?" Li Jing asked and Bai Ting nods

"Chen family and Yu family arranged marriage between them." Bai Ting said

Li Jing sigh, it's not about offending Lim Kian, it's about taking someone belongs to Lim Kian.

"What can I get from this?" Li Jing asked of course everything has a price.

"Name it." Kian said tapping his fingers on the table he is getting impatient.

Before Jing can answer Kian's phone rings. He answer it and put it on speaker.

"Lim Kian, you owe me big time." San Kit said

"I'm expecting it to be announce soon." Kian said

Bai Ting and Li Jing look at each other, of course they know San Kit, he is well known in T Country the owner of one of the biggest bank on T Country.

"Take care of Chen Xioli and Lu Dana." San Kit said before dropping the call

"He knows them?" Li Jing asked and Bai Ting just shrugged

"Now, it's your work to buy the stocks." Kian said to Bai Ting and Li Jing.

"You owe me big time." Li Jing said before picking her phone and stand up to call all the person she needed.

"Sir." Secretary Han came to the door

"What is it?" Kian asked

"Everything is ready now sir and someone is here for you." Secretary Han said and Kian lift an eyebrow because of that

"Who?" Kian asked

"Ms. Chen is here, she's inside your office now." Secretary Han said and Kian nods.

"I'm going." Kian said to Ting and Jing.

Both just look at Kian who went out now, Jing dropped the call after she gave her instructions.

"He is really serious about her?" Li Jing asked Bai Ting

"He is ready to kill someone if needed just to make Chen Xioli happy, I heard that Xioli are not really close to her parents." Bai Ting said

"Yes, sister Lina said that before. I heard that from sister Lina that something happened in T Country that made Xioli run here." Jing said and Bai Ting nods.

"Well if he is seriously doing this, that means Chen Xioli will be soon the madam of Lim Empire." Bai Ting said and Jing nods

"Damn, I'm totally going to take down that family if someone hurt Brother Kian." Jing said before she started to call again.

Bai Ting look at Li Jing.

He know that everyone will do everything for Lim Kian, they have different story why are they willing to help him.


When Kian entered his office, he saw Xioli sitting in the couch

"Hey baby." Kian greeted and Xioli look up and smile at him.

Kian gave her a peck on the lips before sitting beside her.

"I cooked for you, well your mother helped me." Xioli said before pointing at the bag that place on the table.

Kian smile looking at the bag.

"You went to my parents?" Kian asked and Xioli nods

"You said that I can go anytime." Xioli said and Kian nods before kissing her on the side head.

"Let's eat this together?" Kian asked Xioli while preparing the foods

"Okay." Xioli said Kian immediately prepare the table.

"What do you want for drinks?" Kian asked Xioli

"Anything." Xioli said and Kian nods before calling Secretary Han to bring some drinks for them.

While they are eating Secretary Han came with the drinks, he looks at his boss and Chen Xioli. They are teasing each other.

Secretary Han finally realize why Lim Kian doing this for Chen Xioli, earlier her eyes are not giving any emotions but now it's full of emotion while looking at his boss.

"Secretary Han, we must finish everything soon." Lim Kian said to him before he can get out of the office.

"Of course sir, everyone are doing their best now." Secretary Han said and Lim Kian nods

Xioli look at Kian.

"Dana called me earlier." Xioli said to Kian and he look at her confused.

"A friend from T Country called her." Xioli said and Kian nods

"Why?" Kian asked

"He is asking if it's okay to take down the Yu family." Xioli said and Kian stop his movement before looking at Xioli.

"What did you say?" Kian asked

"I'm going to support whoever that person is." Xioli said while looking at Kian directly to the eyes.

"You are going to support?" Kian asked to make sure

"Of course, because I know that he is doing it because of me." Xioli said before looking at her food

"Right love?" Xioli asked Kian before looking back at him.

"Of course love, he is doing that to make you happy and to make sure that someone won't bring any sadness for you." Kian said before pulling Xioli to hug her.

"That's why I said that it's okay even that is going to make Chen family suffer, because I finally have a family who is giving me the sense of home." Xioli said

Kian didn't say anything now and Xioli just hug him back both know that this is something they wanted. To be in each other arms and giving each other the sense of Home.

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