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"After you gave birth to little munchkin, mom asked if I can go home for a while." Dana asked Xioli while they are busy cooking dinner, Dana decided to go to Xioli after work because of her mother's call.

"Dana, you know that you can go home anytime, I can check on site for you." Xioli said but Dana just shake her head before looking at Xioli.

"You are giving birth in few months maybe after few months after the birth, I will go. I'm not rushing you to go back to work Xi." Dana said and Xioli smiles at her

"Auntie must be feeling upset to me now because she can't see you." Xioli said and Dana just shake her head

"She's not, she's actually planning to go here after you gave birth to see her grandson." Dana said and Xioli nods and smiles

Lu Paris never show her bad attitude, she always love Xioli like her own. She's more Xioli's mother than Milan.

"That's good to hear, I'm excited to see her." Xioli said and Dana looks like she wanted to say something but she's scared that Xioli might think about it and get stress

"What is it?" Xioli asked Dana because she knows that look and she knows that Dana is worried for her

"Xioli, about Yu family." Dana said and Xioli stop her movements but she just sigh and continue

"What about them?" Xioli still asked because Dana wont mentioned it if it's not something big

"Mom mentioned that Yu family are not pleased with what happened. Especially Yu Sana, the mother. I heard that Yu Sana keeps talking ill about Chen family, even on the parties and some of those tea party of the wife's. She even mentioned that you seduced Yu Ran and now seducing Lim Kian." Dana said and Xioli just sigh

She knows from the start that pleasing attitude of Yu Sana is fake, she's two faced bitch that won't hesitate to hurt others for her own benefits.

"I don't even know Yu Ran exist on this world until they introduce their good for nothing son to me and telling me that he is my fiancé." Xioli said rolling her eyes

Before Dana can answer her, a loud noise came.

"SISTER XIOLI!" someone shouted and they don't need to look up to know

Ming and Shin appeared but this time there is someone with them.

"Len.." Xioli called when she saw the girl who immediately smiles to her

"Sister Xioli." Len greeted her and Xioli smiles and immediately gave Dana the task to continue the cooking.

"You came here, these two didn't kidnapped you to join them?" Xioli asked smiling before hugging Len who hugged her back.

"No, I'm the one who force them to bring me here." Len said and Xioli look at the two who immediately nods

"Ming is actually finishing his book because his editor needs it when Sister Len suddenly called and asked to pick her up." Shin explained

"Where have you been?" Xioli asked Len worried because she's still on recovering stage and it's not good for her to wonder around alone.

"I run away." Len whispered and Xioli look at her confused

She even look at the duo who also nods at her.

"She have bags with her sister Xi, but sister Len didn't tell us what she means by running away." Ming said to her

Xioli look at Len because she doesn't understand, last time she heard about Len, Kian said that she's staying with Lee Yuta, her husband.

"Your husband did something to you?" Xioli asked worried again because she remember that Len maybe run away because Yuta hurt her.

"No, he is being good to me, but.." Len said before looking at her before looking at the three pair of eyes who is also listening to her.

Xioli also look at the three before she sigh before pulling Len to sit down on the counter

"Shin, give your sister something to drink, we are going to wait for Kian to go home." Xioli said, Len is hesitating to tell something because they know the duo Ming and Shin will act possessively towards her

Something might happened to Len and her husband that's why she's here but she doesn't know what to say to her if ever and she decided to wait for Kian.

"Why are you all here?" Kian appeared suddenly while Shin giving his sister a cup of juice.

"Hubby." Xioli greeted him and even kiss him.

Xioli notice that Len is looking at them sadly, she doesn't know what is wrong but she knows that Len needs someone to listen.

"Hey love." Kian greeted back and even bow to kiss her baby bump, Xioli smiles when she felt a kick on her stomach

"Looks like little munchkin are greeting you back, daddy." Xioli said while putting Kian's hands on her stomach.

"Hi little Munchkin, daddy is home now." Kian kneel to be on the same level of Xioli's stomach.

The others just look at the two, if you always staying with Xioli, you will know that this is something normal for them.

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