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Yang felt a hands hug her from behind, she immediately opened her eyes and smiles when she confirmed who is the one hugging her.

"Hi, you are late." Yang whispered and Ting just hum.

"I'm sorry baby, I need to go somewhere first before going home to you." Ting said and Yang just nods

"Dinner?" Yang asked and Ting shake his head

"It's okay baby, I already ate dinner." Ting said and Yang just nods, she just notice that Ting is already on his comfortable clothes.

"Let's sleep now?" Yang asked and Ting nods before he buried his face on Yang's neck

Both of them just sigh in satisfaction before going to the dream land.

Yang know what made Ting go home late, Xioli called her earlier and asked her about things.

Yang explained that everyone on the triad are family, making one of them cry means someone needs to cry too, and Yang know that they met Lee Yuta.



Yang woke up and look at Ting who is still peacefully sleeping beside her.

She just smiles before carefully removed his hands around her and decided to cook breakfast for the two of them.

While cooking she felt a hand wrapped around her, both of them started to sway and that made Yang giggles.

"Good morning baby." Ting greeted with his deep voice, Yang immediately look and kiss him.

"Good morning baby, did you sleep well?" Yang asked while smiling to Ting.

"Hmmm, yes I have good sleep because of you baby." Ting said and Yang just giggles because of that.

"So cheesy early in the morning." Yang said before looking at the stove and continue cooking some American breakfast.

"Just for you babe." Ting said while kissing Yang shoulder

"Why don't you take a shower first so I can cook properly here?" Yang said and Ting laugh softly because of that

Yang is distracted because of the butterfly kisses that Ting is giving to her.

"Ting!" Yang said and Ting laugh again and pull away from his lover who is looking at him full of warning.

"Alright, alright, babe calm down I'm going to take a shower now." Ting said and Yang nods

"Good." Yang said before kissing Ting again and smile sweetly

Ting went to take a shower and Yang continue to cook but she heard her phone while she's putting the food on the table now.

She immediately went to their room to take her phone. She saw Lina's number.

"Hello Lina." Yang said

"I'm going to Kian and Xioli's house, I heard what happened to Len." Lina said to Yang

"I heard about it last night." Yang said

"I'm going to skin someone a live, seriously." Lina said angrily and Yang just laugh because of that

"I don't have anything to do today, I don't need to passed anything to you, I'm going to drop by later." Yang said

"Yes, I'm going to be there for lunch, I'm going to meet you there?" Lina asked

"Sure.." Yang said before she felt Ting kissed her head, she look around and saw Ting just having a towel around his waist.

"Yang.." She immediately pull herself together and look at her phone.

"Ahh yes, I'm going to meet you." Yang said

"I'm not talking about that now, I'm asking about the baby shower to our little munchkin." Lina said in disbelief, she's been talking earlier and Yang is distracted?

"Let's talk about that later, I need to go." Yang said without waiting for Lina to answer, she dropped the call

"Babe, why don't you wear something?" Yang exclaimed before going to the closet and pick some suit for Ting.

"Because you still didn't prepared it." Ting said pouting

Yang just smiles and give him what he needed, while wearing his clothes Yang even pick necktie and his watch.

Every time Ting staying with Yang, every morning Yang will prepare his things, it becomes their thing since the first time.

"Why did Lina called? You need to submit something to her?" Ting asked while Yang fixing his tie

"No, she's planning to go to Xioli and brother Kian's house, she heard what happened last night." Yang said and Ting nods

"You also going?" Ting asked again

"Yes baby." Yang said and Ting nods

"I'm going to meet you there later, I'm planning to go after work to visit Len, she's going to stay with them for a while." Ting said

Yang look at Ting, she's surprised because of it.

"Yuta needs to know the answer on his own, while finding the answer, he doesn't need to see Len." Ting said and Yang nods

Even she doesn't know what kind of answer Yuta is looking for, but she have idea.

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