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It's been days and today is the day they are finally presenting. If they accept Xioli's design, her team will fly immediately to E Country.

"Hello, I'm Chen Xioli and I have appointment with President Lim." Xioli said to the receptionist who looks at her before looking at the computer.

"Ms. Chen, please go to 10th floor and you will see the meeting room." The receptionist answer

"Thank you." Xioli said before walking to the elevator. Dana following her.

"Are you ready?" Dana asked, Xioli didn't really face a client that's why she's worried for her.

"You don't need to worry, I'm good." Xioli said before pressing the number 10 on the elevator, it's slowly moving.

"Auntie Luna called last night." Dana said to Xioli

"Why?" Xioli asked, she remember her auntie Luna who become her guardian.

"She wanted to know your new number, she's worried for you." Dana said to Xioli

"It's better this way, I don't want her to be involved because the Chen's will use her." Xioli said and they are finally on the floor.

When they get out, she saw two figures who is sitting outside the meeting room.

"Ms. Chen?" A lady asked

"That's me." Xioli said and the girl nod

"Please wait here, we are just waiting for the Chairman and President Lim." The girl said

"Okay, thank you." Xioli said before sitting down.

She remember one of the figures who also sitting down. She saw that girl recently, Sy Cecil if she's not mistaken.

"Do you know her?" Dana asked when she notice Xioli look at the girl who is sitting on the other side.

"Not really, don't mind." Xioli said

"It's you right?" Before Dana can say another word that sentence came that's why they look up.

"Excuse me?" Xioli asked, in front of them Sy Cecil who is crossing her arms and acting like a bitch.

"You are the girl on the building, who came with Lim Kian." Sy Cecil said pointing her fingers on Xioli's face.

"I don't know what are you talking about, it's not really polite to point fingers on someone you know." Xioli said calmly but if this girl wanted to mess with her, she doesn't mind, she just being calm because she remember Kian and Lina.

"I don't care, maybe that's the reason you are here, did you sleep with him for you to present, oh please don't even wish you will win against me." Sy Cecil said and Xioli sigh before she smirk.

"Oh please, I'm not sleeping with anyone, I don't even wish to win against you because I don't even know you, will you please leave me alone while I'm being nice, because if you still stand here and keeps pointing your fingers, I don't really know what I can do." Xioli said she's calm but Sy Cecil doesn't know why she felt scared by her tone.

"Don't even dream about winning, my uncle made sure that my design are the best, I don't even know why you are here, because he made sure that I'm the only one who can present." Sy Cecil said

"And I really want to know what makes you think that you already win." A cold voice said, Xioli looks up she saw Lim Qiang standing near them.

"Good morning Chairman Lim." The girl who greeted them earlier greeted Lim Qiang.

"Huang Ji, who is she?" Lim Qiang asked the man beside him.

"I don't know sir but I heard that it's about the presentation between Ms. Chen Xioli and Ms. Sy Cecil." Huang Ji said, looking at the ladies in front of her.

"Xioli." Dana whispered to Xioli.

"Good morning Chairman Lim, I'm the niece of Qi Ping, I'm Sy Cecil." Sy Cecil said softly, she immediately transform into angel while earlier she's acting like a psychopath.

"I didn't even asked." Lim Qiang answer before he looks at Xioli.

"You.." Lim Qiang said to Xioli.

"Yes Chairman Lim?" Xioli said looking at Lim Qiang into the eyes, Huang Ji look amazed, no one really looking into Lim Qiang's eyes except his family, everyone is scared to even look at him to his face.

"I want you to present last." Lim Qiang said Xioli

"I don't mind, sure." Xioli said nodding.

"What is going on?" Lim Kian appeared, Sy Cecil immediately fixed her hair.

"I don't even know that we already accept someone who is not wearing proper attire." Lim Qiang said to Lim Kian who immediately look around and his eyes stop at Sy Cecil.

"President Lim, we meet again." Sy Cecil said

"And who are you?" Lim Kian asked

"I'm Sy Cecil, we met twice now." Cecil said

"Don't you know that in this building you need to be on proper attire, you are here for business, not to have a fashion show." Lim Kian said not really amused

It's already standard to them, they always inform those who wants to work with Lim Empire to be on their best business attire, they are not letting those people who almost wearing nothing.

Sy Cecil are wearing a short dress and low neckline and the back are see through.

Dana wanted to laugh, she totally wanted to say that but she didn't want to argue and she knows that Xioli can handle it.

"It's my business attire." Sy Cecil said, making Lim Qiang and Lim Kian scowl.

"Sir, the board are already asking for you." Secretary Han appears

"Secretary Han, fired the guards who let Ms. Sy in, we are strictly following rules here." Lim Kian said before looking at Cecil before looking at Lim Qiang.

"Let's get inside Chairman." Lim Kian said and both walk toward the meeting room.

"Yeah, you really win, you just made them scowl, that's nice." Dana said while chuckling.

Xioli just shake her head, she's wearing a red long sleeve polo that tucked into her black pants and a heels.

Cecil glared at them but someone calls them to start.

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