🪀🏫14- Themepark🏫🪀

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"Alright shit-heads, stay in groups of... Four. You can choose your groups but no fighting or else your asses will be sent back to the school! " Monokuma yelled. "Mr. Kirigiri and Mrs. Hagakure will be chaperoning.. "
"Taka? " Mondo looked around for the ruby.
He easily found him, reciting all of the rules.
"Bro, wanna be in a group together? "
"Sure friendo. " Ishimaru smiled.
"C-can I-"
"Hell yeah Cheerio. " Mondo quickly hugged the little boy.
"I told you not to call me Cheerio but okay.."
"Anyone else? " Ishimaru looked around.
"N-no one really wants me to be with them.. " Fukawa shyly walked towards the group, adjusting her glasses.
"Jack... Maybe. "
"Just let her there are two many boys here." Ishimaru wearily sighed, Fukawa looked at the sun and quickly sneezed.
"Wassup guys!? Let's get out asses on rides before I paint the town with my own melted blood! " Fukawa held Chihiro hand and ran over to the more higher rides.
"She's insane.. " Owada scratched his head.
"Just follow the rules. "
"Race ya to Skyrush " Owada began to speed in front of the ball monitor, pointing to the bright yellow tracks.

"Mukuro let's go to one ride and go because I don't want my hair to be ruined. " Junko walked away angrily.
"O-oh okay.. " Mukuro looked around, her heart wanted to go on all the rides but her head said no.
"Enoshima and her pint sister! Come back!" Monokuma yelled, grabbing their arms.
"Naegi? " Kirigiri looked around. "Do you wanna be in my group? " She dragged Togami by his ear.
"Can I join-"
"HIFUMI! " Celestia snapped.
"Sure." Togami lifted his glasses up as he grabbed his big-ass money fan from his pocket.
"Celeste, chill. You can join us. " Leon and Hagakure pulled her to the side. "Maizono! You're with us! " Leon yelled as the sapphire walked towards them.
"That leaves us. " Asahina looked at the sisters, then Sakura.
"Let's just get this day over with. " Junko rolled her eyes.

Group 1 (Usami's group)
"Hell yeah let's just on this thing before we all get rusty! " Jack laughed.
"Y-you sure? T-thats kinda high... " Chihiro stuttered, slightly backing away from the line.
"It's gonna be okay, bro. " Owada picked him up and put him in the front of the line with his group mates following them.
"Im with Chihiro on this.. " Ishimaru forced himself to move forward in the line.
"I just need to put these windows away. " Jack ran from the line and gave them. to Usami's, who was on a bench sipping a pink strawberry triple whipped cream smoothie with sprinkles.
"I-I wanna go back to the kid rides.. " Chihiro began to shake slightly.
"There's no going back.. " Ishimaru held the boys hand.
As much as he wanted to agree, he still kept his poker face.
"Come on, the lines pretty quick! " Mondo and Jack pulled them all into their seats.
He saw Ishimaru and Chihiro sit next to each other.
A spark of green glowed in his stomach, but he ignored it.
Green with Envy
"Come on when is this gonna start? " Jack complained, more and more passengers sat into the ragged seats of the ride.
Once the seats clicked with the seatbelts the rides began to connect to the ladder thing.
It brought them all up slowly, either letting you scream hour lungs out or regretting ever being born.
Maybe both, maybe even excite you more.
"I-I don't want to do this anymore! " Chihiro tries to wriggle from his seatbelt but to no luck, he lost most of his energy quickly.
"Let's do this! " Jack yelled, her hands in the air.
"Don't undo the barrier! " Ishimaru yelled.
"Can you shut up? " A person in the back yelled.
"No you! " Mondo snapped back, the cart finally reached the top, overlooking most of the park. "
"welp were gonna fuckin die TAKA I FRICKIN LOVE YOU BRO-" Mondo sighed as the cart dropped, going faster than Sakura could run down the hill.
"Whaaa-!!? " They all screamed, especially Chihiro.
"Yeah-hah-hah! " Jack laughed uncontrollably at all the turns. "Y'all are a bunch of babies. " she stuck her tongue out.
This is actually kinda fun. Chihiro began to ile as they finally reached the end, slowly down gradually.
"That was fun wasn't it? " Chihiro smiled, getting off. He helped Ishimaru stand up before he fell back down into his seat.
"Corn head? " Jack turned to the blushing Mondo.
"I-Im fine don't worry. " His voice cracked as he got off.
"How was it? " Usami asked, smiling.
"Can we go on another one? " Chihiro asked.
"Hell yeah! Come on! " Jack took his hand and ran over to another ride, leaving the panic prince and butter head.

Group 2 (Mrs.Hagakure)
".. You sure you wanna go on this ride? I mean we could go on the-"
"No mom! We need to go on this ride. " Hagakure pointed to the Great Bear, giving a toothy grin
"I don't know if I could handle that. " Maizono stepped back.
"A lady's interests such as mine does not include these activities. " Celeste sipped on her iced tea.
"Ugh.. "
"You know what I'd rather go on. " Maizono steps away from Celeste, running to the line.
"Children." Celeste sat alone as the chaperoning mother ran on line with her kids.
"Celeste, you need to come, I can't leave you alone! "
"Hagakure you owe me. " Celeste growled as she was forced to throw out her iced tea.
"It'll be worth it don't worry. " Leon rolled his eyes, the line took what felt forever.
More people coming on and leaving the ride, it got more frustrating to watch and even bare.
"Are we there? " Celeste asked, adjusting her ring.
"Almost." Maizono smiled.
"My dreadlocks are gonna be melt-locks. " Hagakure adjusted his hair with the hell of his mom.
"Hah." Leon chuckled as they all took a big step forward.  "Almost there, princess. "
"Normally I'd be honored to have you call me that but now I'm just offended by that, you cyst!" She stuck her ring finger up, her accent faded pretty quickly once her anger rose up.
"Tsundere." Leon scooted closer to Maizono, blushing slightly.
"Okay kids we're getting on! " The mother smiled as they all took their seats.
Obviously Hagakure, Leon and Maizono all sat together since they're idiots, while Celeste sat behind them.
With the chaperone.
Once the inspections finished they began to rise up on the railing.
Their legs were almost like saggy dolls, just hanging in the air as their upper body was more secure.
"Ready? "  Hiroko asked excitedly, spitting out her cigarette once they made it to the top.
"Absolutely not. " Celeste looked down.
There was a small drop followed by the main one, sending them all down before bringing them up again.
"No-no-no! " Celeste yelled as her shoe slid off, following into the river below them.
"Hell yeah! " Hagakure threw his hands in the air as they flipped upside down again, Leons sweaty hand was on top of Maizono delicate fingers, almost crushing them.
"You're hurting me! "
"Sorry! " They all screamed at the last drop before the ride began to grow more soft.
"You lost my shoe! " Celeste angrily held up her finger again once the seatbelt thingies released them.
"You decided to wear HEELS to a theme park! " Leon spat back, getting up in her face.
"It's not my fault that you all wanted to go on this crappy ride! "
"It's not my fault that you wore heels! "
"Quit the shit kids and let's go. " Hiroko walked past the two kids before they all followed her.

Group 3 (Monokuma)
"So like, we just sit here and throw the balls are the cans?  What crap game is this? " Junko filled her eyes as a baseball was handed to her.  "This is just a lame game from carnivals. "
"Shut it before I make you ride Fahrenheit." Monokuma snapped, throwing a ball at a can.
Sakura win easily and chose a small teddy bear for Asahina.
Mukuro was also a boss and got one for her sister.
Junko wasn't too bad but still didn't win
and Asahina just went apeshit on the cans.
"Okay let's ride Fahrenheit.  I thought that Leon would like that game. " Junko began to strut on the concrete, walking towards the ride.
"Umm- but Leon hates baseball-"
"Did I ask you!! "
"Leave her alone. " Asahina protested.
"Stay out of this beach tits. "
"Why is everything about my boobs? " Asahina yelled as they got in line.
"Dunno, just seems like it. " Sakura commented.
Part 2 coming soon

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