🏫2nd- The War of the Pool🏫

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(Second grade)
"Come on guys! The waters not that cold. " Asahina's head quickly popped up from the water.

"Don't splash me! " Fukawa stood back, shaking slightly.

"Race ya. " Mondo grinned.

"Heck yeah bro. " Leon smiled, revealing his missing front tooth.

"Three two one let's go! " Mondo yelled, sprinting all the way to the pool across the soaked floor.


"Oof! " Leon tripped over his foot and fell on his knees.

"-... In the pool.. " Ishimaru sighed.

"Leon! " Usami quickly ran over to him.

"Ow.. " Leon started to tear up, a bloody scrape appeared on his knee.

"Bro..? " Mondo walked over to him.

"Who's dry.. " Usami looked around. "Togami can you take him to the nurses office? "

Togami rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked over to him, picking up Leon and leaving the pool.

"Celestia aren't you gonna come in? " Yamada asked.

"No. I don't want to wash my hair or get my skin wrinkled. " She sipped on her tea.

"Eh.. Okay then. "

"PEW PEW! " Hagakure sprayed Sakura in the face with a water gun.

"You wanna play? Okay then.. "

"Sakura nO-"

"It's okay Hina. " Sakura comforted her. "If I survive... we can play again. "

"No-no! " Fukawa walked up higher on the bleachers, sitting next to Celestia.

"You're afraid of water? " She asked her.

"Y.. Yeah.. "

"I just don't wanna get my hair wet. the boys are too rowdy for me, a lady's tastes. "

"THIS IS WAR HAGAKURE!" Oowada yelled, grabbing a water gun and spraying him in the nose.

"STOP IT! WE NEED HOPE! " Naegi yelled.

"No. Leave them be. " Kirigiri stopped him, popping up form under water.

"momma please pick me up im scared. " Sayaka was in the corner of the pool, repeating the phrase over and over again.

"You okay Maizono? " Chihiro swam over to him.

"Please cover up! " She averted her eyes, mistakening him for a girl.

"Umm.. I'm a boy Sayaka. " Chihiro sighed

"Psst.. " Oowada whispered to Yamada. "Let's spray Celestia and Fukawa. "

"What!? No! Celestia will kill you! "

"So? She isn't really a good swimmer, and Fukawa can't really attack us since she hates the water. "

"You are right.. Okay, but if I get in trouble you owe me some comics. " Yamada grabbed a water gun and swam over time the edge of the pool that faced the bleachers.

"Ready? " Oowada asked.


This would be a mistake they'll regret forever.

The water from the gun was aimed at Celestia's teacup. Once Oowada pushed the slot forward, the water sprayed all the wall to the bleachers. It splashed Celestia in the face, causing the tea cup to slip from her little fingers and hitting the row of bleachers below. It cracked once it hit the solid surface, making an echoing sound in the pool.

"Celestia! " Fukawa gasped, a shot of water hit Fukawa in the nose.

The worst thing imaginable happened.

Fukawa sneezed

"MY MILK TEA! " Celestia screamed, her english/French accent breaking. "WHO DID THIS!!? " She furiously looked around.

Mondo hid under water quicker than Yamada.

"Oowada. " She growled. "Hold my bonnet. " She handed the bonnet to Fukawa.

"The heck I'm supposed to do with this piece of junk? " Syo asked herself. "Oh well. "

"MONDO FRICKIN OOWADA! " She screamed, she quickly ran down the bleachers. "YOU LITTLE SON OF A-"

"Now we run and never turn back. " Mondo quickly swam to the opposite side of the pool.


"Celestia! " Ishimaru tries to stop her but she stepped on his face, sprinting across the water (fuck physics this is Celestia Ludenburnt)


"YASUHIRO! " Yamada yelled.

"Yeah? " Hagakure whippee his head around.

"Did... Did you just call me by my full name?!" Celestia snapped. "Nobody. Calls. Me. TAEKO YASUHIRO GODDAMIT! " She sprinted to Hifumi, tackling him in the water.

"She's crazy. " Hagakure shrugged.

"Bro, you okay? " Mondo quietly swam over to Ishimaru.

"My face hurts. "

"Probably from the weight of those eyebrows. "


"Sorry. Wanna chill? I think Leon just got back. "


"Togami why do you keep using those dollars as a fan? " Kirigiri asked the blonde child.

"I'm rich Kyoko. You won't understand. "

"Togami stop being mean! " Asahina yelled.

"Tch." He scoffed.

"Sakura! " Asahina swam over to her bff.

"Yeah Hina? "

"Wanna spray Togami? "

"Uhh.. Sure.. He was being a bit mean. "

"Let's do it! "

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