Chapter 40

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I'm 7 months pregnant now and feel like a beached whale. Jaime has been acting very strangely over the last couple of months. He's become more distant. I feel more alone than ever. He's out one day when I decide to take Anwen for a walk. The local playground is only a short distance so we head there. The fresh air will tire her out and I need to get out of this house. We are close to the shopping area so I pop into a shop to get a bottle of water. I'm so hot and thirsty. As I walk back out, pushing Anwen's pram, I see him. He's walking into a restaurant across the road with his arm around some brunette. She's tall and slim and I'm a fat pregnant mess. I angrily swat away the tear that has formed in my eye and walk across the road. I look through the window and see them, holding hands across the table in the corner. He has his back to the window so doesn't see me as I see him lean across the table and kiss her. I take a deep breath, turn around and walk home.
I pack as much as I can in just a few minutes for myself and MY baby. I call a taxi, load up our suitcases and leave the ring he bought me and the keys to his house on the table.
"Where to honey?" the driver asks.
"The airport please" I mumble.

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