Chapter 21

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I'm told by a nurse that I'll have to put Owen's name on the birth certificate and Jaime will then have to adopt Anwen. We are both fine with that. I'm being released from the hospital today after a four day stay. I've been told I'll need plenty of rest at home so Jaime has offered to stay at Tony's with me. He wants us to move in with him, which I will do when I'm a little stronger. He helps me into a wheelchair and Vic carries Anwen in her car seat. He's been a star these last few days, making sure everything is set up at Tony's for her. Jaime helps me into the car before settling our daughter in safely. I take her tiny hand in mine and close my eyes. I feel someone lifting me up and carrying me. I'm so tired. My eyes feel as heavy as lead weights. I feel myself being put down on a bed and a pair of lips kissing my forehead. I wake up and it's dark outside. How long was I asleep? I hear voices downstairs so I head that way after a quick trip to the toilet. I make it halfway downstairs before I hear Jaime calling my name as he scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the sofa. Tony, Vic and Mike are sitting there, Anwen in Tony's arms. Jaime carefully places me down next to Tony and he hands me my daughter. I look at this tiny, perfect human I've given birth to and suddenly I feel overwhelmed. Tears start pouring down my face as I sob, holding her to me. I can't stop the tears although I've not really got a reason to be sad. I just can't help it. Jaime takes Anwen and hands her to Vic before taking me in his arms. He kisses my forehead while he gently rocks me. I feel sleepy again. I don't know why I'm so exhausted.

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