Chapter 36

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When we get back to the house, Vic and Mike have turned up. They're all in the back garden, getting a barbecue ready. I pull Jaime to one side to tell him about Elizabeth and ask if it's ok for her to stay. He grins.
"I was going to ask you if you would ask her anyway" he says. I pull him into my arms and kiss him.
"Thank you" I whisper.
Elizabeth joins us outside and settles on the lawn with Anwen and Scarlett. She's having the time of her life playing with the girls. I sigh with contentment. Jaime wraps his arms around my waist as I stand watching them, his chin on my shoulder.
"She lost her son and grandson. I wouldn't want her to miss out on Anwen too" he says. I nod and turn around to kiss him quickly before going over to Elizabeth and the girls.
I sit down on the grass with them and ask Elizabeth if she wants a drink. She asks for lemonade. She never was much of a drinker. I get up and pour her a large glass, adding ice and take it over. All the guys join us on the lawn while the barbecue gets up to heat. Out of nowhere it seems, Mike hands me a package wrapped in Harry Potter paper. I laugh at this. First Tony with his ninja turtle paper and now golden snitches everywhere. I carefully unwrap a hoody with GRYFFINDOR RULES written across the front. I smile.
"Thank you Mike. I love it" I say.
Vic passes me another package. Thankfully it's silver paper - not a film reference in sight. Inside is a photo album with the names of myself, Jaime and Anwen on it.
"To keep all your new precious memories in" he says, pecking me on the cheek. I hug him tightly while thanking him.
"Cate, I'm so sorry" I hear Elizabeth say. I look at her puzzled.
"The date. It's your birthday. It completely slipped my mind" she says.
"You're here. That's a present in itself" I tell her. I didn't expect to actually ever see her again, let alone for her to remember my birthday. I hug her. I'm not bothered. I didn't particularly want a fuss being made but these crazy men obviously didn't see that.
I slip back into the house a couple of hours later and make up the bed in the spare room for Elizabeth. I remember my talking bear and grab it, taking it down to show her. It will be the only way she will hear Rhys' voice. I pull her to one side in the lounge and on hearing their voices, tears of happiness and sadness mix together for both of us.
"I still can't believe they're gone" Elizabeth says, a tear trickling down her cheek. Jaime takes her hand.
"You're here for Anwen now and that is so important to us. Don't be sad" he says. She nods and quickly wipes away the tear.
The rest of the night is much happier with laughter, Vic serenading us and general merriment.

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