Chapter 38

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I'm pregnant. Anwen is now 9 months old and I'm due in 7 months. The guys are on tour at the moment and I'm looking after Scarlett. Tony skypes us every night to talk to her and Jaime to talk to me. It's been hard with them gone but knowing they won't be away for too much longer is keeping me going. I only found out this morning so I haven't told him yet. I'd rather do it in person anyway and they'll be home in another fortnight. I suspected I was so went to the doctor this morning, Scarlett and Anwen in tow. One woman actually had the nerve to tell me to keep my legs crossed while we were in the waiting room. She had overheard me explaining my reason for needing to see a doctor. I laughed at her. She didn't particularly like that but tough. She shouldn't have been so rude. I didn't bother explaining that Scarlett wasn't mine. I doubt it would have made a difference anyway. Silly cow. The girls and I are in the garden later on, me doing some gardening and them playing on a blanket, when I hear the phone ringing inside. It's Elizabeth ringing to say hi. It's early evening here so early morning there. I take the phone outside and we chat for a while before I tell her I have to go as it's getting close to bath time. I take the girls inside and give them some supper before taking them upstairs for a bath and bed.
This is when it hits me most - when I'm all alone in the evening. Tony's sister often pops around so it's not all the time but tonight I'm alone with my news and need Jaime here.

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