chapter 13

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Tony goes back downstairs a few minutes later. I hear him talking but can't make out what's being said. I hear more footsteps on the stairs and Jaime is there, by the door. He walks over to my bed, where I'm still curled up. I look into his big, brown eyes and see something I thought I'd never see again. Love. I sit up and crawl into his arms. I hold him tight and he rocks me as I cry. I'm so scared. But maybe giving him a chance will be a good thing. I know he's a good guy. I know Owen wouldn't want me to be alone. I'd been with him since I was 17 though and being with someone else will be hard. We were meant to be a forever thing. Fate wasn't on our side on that one though. I look up at Jaime and kiss him. Not a lustful kiss - a gentle 'I want to get to know you' one. It's very nice too.
He smiles at me.
"Do you want to give us a go then?" he asks, his smile wavering slightly. I nod and smile at him.
"Yeah, I do." I hope I've made the right decision.
Jaime falls back on the bed, his grin lightning up the whole room. I lay down next to him and cuddle up to him. He starts stroking my hair and I feel my eyes grow heavy. He kisses me gently again and I'm asleep in his arms before I can respond.
I wake up sometime later, Jaime still asleep. I see it's early afternoon. I need the toilet, so I wriggle out of his arms and go. I hear Scarlett babbling away downstairs, so I make my way down to where her, Tony and Mike are in the living room.
"Hey" says Mike when he sees me. I smile at them both and pick Scarlett up.
"She's had lunch and a nappy change. We're trying to tire her out" smiles Tony. I kiss her head. I love this little girl so much. She's been one of my saviours through the last couple of months. I sit down with her on my knee and rock her a little and within minutes she's asleep. Mike gently picks her up and takes her up to her room. Tony looks at me.
"Are you giving Jaime a chance?" I nod, unable to keep the smile off my face.
"I'm glad. I knew he liked you a lot and he's an amazing man."
"I know" says Jaime's voice from the staircase. I giggle. That's the first time any sort of laughter has left my mouth in a very long time. He plonks himself on the sofa next to me and pulls me onto his lap. His arms wrap themselves around me, making me feel safe. And loved. The front door opens and Vic walks in. The look he gives me when he sees me sitting on Jaime's lap is indescribable. I climb off Jaime's lap and pull his hand to make him follow me into the kitchen.
"Please don't mention me being pregnant to Vic. He already hates me and he won't like us being together one bit." He nods and hugs me to him. I give him another kiss. Just a little one but I want him to know I'm happy to be with him. He goes back into the lounge while I grab myself a drink of water. Vic appears in the doorway.
"So, you and Jaime eh. Saw that coming a mile off." I look at him before walking off to sit with the others. He grabs my arm as I go past him.
"Hurt him, I'll kill you. He deserves better than some free loading bitch like you."
I pull away, tell the guys I have to go out and run off. I make my way to where my boys are. The cemetery.

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