chapter 10

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I wake up around 3am, sobbing. I'd had the most terrifyingly real dream. I sit up, trying to calm my breathing. I hear Scarlett stirring in the next room. I go through to her, and do all the stuff you do with babies before settling her back down. I quickly check on Tony who is snoring softly. I go back to bed and attempt sleep but it isn't happening. I dare not put the tv on again so I step outside for a quick smoke before getting some water and trying to sleep again.
I wake up to the sound of Scarlett babbling away to herself. I don't think I've heard her cry more than once. She's so happy and content. I go through to her and she's playing in her cot with a toy attached to the side. I pick her up, feed and change her and get Tony's pills. I'm getting a bit of a routine already. I like organisation. It makes me feel more mentally prepared for stuff.

I put Scarlett in her playpen while I help Tony down the stairs, then go back to get dressed and fetch her down.
"Can you take me to the hospital later?" Tony asks. "I have a check up." I nod.
"What time?"
"2 o'clock" he says. That gives me plenty of time to get a load of jobs done.
We set off later on, Scarlett fastened into her car seat in the back. It's not far. I know where the hospital is. I help Tony into the waiting area, carrying Scarlett in her car seat. I get them both settled before telling the receptionist that Tony is here. He's having some tests done to see if his surgery went as well as they hoped. I still don't know exactly what he had done but having seen a large scar on his chest and Jaime telling me about his heart trouble, I assume it was heart related. He's in there a while - at least an hour and I'm staring to worry. Thankfully I thought to bring spare nappies for Scarlett and a bottle. She gets tired so I change her and give her the milk and she goes to sleep. I wait, finding a magazine to read. I hear Tony's voice approaching and turn to see him walking towards me.
"I was getting worried. I didn't realise you'd be in there so long. Is everything ok?" I ask. He smiles, nodding.
"They're really pleased with everything" he says.
"Aw, that's brilliant" I say, picking up Scarlett's car seat. We make our way back to the car and I fasten Scarlett in.
"Shall we stop off for something to eat?" Tony asks.
"If you want but I don't mind cooking" I say.
"It's good news, it deserves a little celebration" Tony tells me. He directs me to a little cafe not too far away. I grab sleeping Scarlett's car seat and help Tony inside. We find a little table near the window and look at the menus. I have always had this thing about other people not paying for me so I choose the cheapest thing on there. A jacket potato with cheese. Tony goes for chicken and salad. He tells me he used to be vegetarian but hasn't been for a while.
"Can I ask you something Cate?" I nod.
"Who are Owen and Rhys?"

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