chapter 7

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Jaime offers to spend the night, so he can help if it's needed. I nod and say goodnight. I go up to my room, checking on both Scarlett and Tony before getting changed and climbing into bed. I have Scarlett's baby monitor in here, so if she wakes I'll hear her. I soon doze off but I'm woken up around 4 by Scarlett crying. I wrap my dressing gown around myself and go in to her. Her little cheeks are bright red. I think she's teething. I lift her up and go down to the kitchen where I remember seeing some baby painkiller earlier. I pour out the correct dose for her and make her another bottle of milk, before taking her back up. I check her nappy and change it and eventually get her back to sleep. I'm wide awake though so I go downstairs and put the t.v. on. I flick through the channels, finding a film to watch. Phantom of the opera. I know all the words to the songs, so I softly sing along. 'Wishing you were somehow here again' comes on and I can't stop the tears from cascading down my face as I sing. I don't hear the footsteps on the stairs.
"Your voice is amazing" I hear Jaime say. I look down, not sure what to say.
"Did I wake you?" I whisper. He shakes his head.
"I was going to the bathroom and I heard you."
I draw my knees up to my chest and sit there, embarrassed that he'd heard me. And found me crying.
He doesn't seem to have noticed the tears - maybe because it's dark, the only light coming from the t.v. He hears me sniffle though and sits next to me. He lifts my head up gently and sees the reflection of the film in my tears.
"Cate, what's wrong?" he asks, concern in his voice. I shake my head. I'm not sure I want to talk about it. I haven't spoken about it to anyone since it happened. There's been no-one to talk too.
"Honey, please talk to me" he says softly. The concern in his voice sets off a new round of tears. He pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. I'm sobbing so hard now I'm struggling to catch my breath. He zaps the t.v. off, picks me up and carries me to my bed. He lies me down, pulls the covers over me and lies on top of them, holding my hand and stroking his thumb over my knuckles. I find sleep coming over me once again and I'm woken some time later by shouting. Vic has come back.

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