my sunshine...

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wc: 619

so uhm... superhero au i guess? its really vague but basically ethan has powers kinda like scarlet witch in the mcu and mark has a power that i haven't really thought of. i just got this idea from the textpost and was like "hey lets write some angst" so why not

tw: blood, death, and a fuckton of angst


"Ethan, no!"

There was a bang after Ethan heard Mark scream for him. Ethan knew exactly what he was doing, but he had to do it. He couldn't let them hurt Mark.

There was a bright flash, making Ethan close his eyes. He stayed, however, trying to stay strong. Until there was another, louder boom and he got flung away into the air backwards. After a moment, he came to an abrupt stop, falling down to the ground fully afterwards. He groaned, leaning his head to the side. His ears were ringing loudly and he felt like absolute shit.

Despite the ringing, he heard footsteps running towards him, slowly getting closer. They skidded to a halt and he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Ethan? Oh my god, why did you do that you fucking idiot," Mark's voice spoke. "Can you hear me?"

Ethan groaned, moving his head a bit and leaning it against the wall behind him. "Mark?" He coughed out, body shaking with it.

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here." Ethan felt as Mark rubbed something off Ethan's face. "I'm not leaving you here. We-we gotta get out of here."

Ethan shook his head, opening his eyes. "Mark, I don't think..." he trailed off, looking at Mark.

Mark clenched his jaw, shaking his head. "Don't say that... please." His lip trembled a bit and tears were forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry but it's true."

"I-I won't let you! Please..." Mark sniffled, looking away and wiping his face. "Ethan, you can't leave me."

"Mark I'm sorry." Ethan coughed again, blood coming out onto his hand. Some spilled a bit over his lips.

"No, I-I can help. I can get someone-"

"If you leave me you won't come back in time, Mark. Nobody is ready to come outside after seeing that," Ethan explained hopelessly.

"I-I can get uh... I can get Seán to help," Mark kept rambling, sniffling a bit.


"He-he can help you. We can fix this."

"Mark you're making this worse for yourself."

"I know!" Mark snapped, looking back at Ethan. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I-I can't... I can't lose you."

"I don't think we have a choice here."

Mark choked back a sob, looking away again. "I can't..." He shifted, sitting down next to Ethan. "Please..."

"Mark, I-" Ethan cut off into a coughing fit again, more blood coming out of his mouth. He turned and spit as much as he could out. "I don't have a choice here..."

Mark wiped his face and shook his head. "Ethan please..." He thought for a moment before gently pulling Ethan onto his lap, holding him close.

"Mark, I don't want to get blood on you," Ethan sighed. He didn't fight it though, he felt too weak.

Mark rested his head against the top of Ethan's. "It's okay... i-it's okay, right?"

Ethan nodded a bit. "It's gonna be okay."

Mark nodded a bit, picking his head back up and sniffling again.

Ethan turned his head away from Mark, coughing again. He spit out more blood, groaning. "Hey, Mark?"

"Yeah, Ethan?"

"Can... can I sing to you?"

Mark seemed to choke down a sob again. "Yeah."

Ethan rested his head against Mark tiredly.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Ethan started, voice gravelly from coughing. "You make me happy, when skies are grey," he sang, getting slower. He closed his eyes. "You'll never know dear..." He coughed a bit, his grip on Mark loosening. "How much... I love you..."

Mark choked back another sob, looking down at Ethan. After Ethan didn't continue, Mark let his sob out, closing his eyes and tears escaped.

"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

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