bubble tea and talk

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short one for LofixTunes request about bubble tea? its kinda old but i got it :)

no tw just some nice fluff,,, maybe tw talking about unus annus ending but its ok i swear


"Mark, you've never had bubble tea?"

"What?" Ethan asked, looking between Mark and Amy.

"He's never had bubble tea!" Amy repeated, pointing at her roommate.

"Wh- what's bubble tea?" Mark asked, looking at his friends in confusion.

"Oh my god, Mark we're getting bubble tea now," Ethan sighed.

"Now?" Mark asked.

"I don't make the rules, Mark, we're getting bubble tea right now," Ethan spoke.

"I don't even know what it is!"

"You will!" Ethan and Amy said at the same time.

"Jesus- okay, fine. Let me get my wallet," Mark chuckled, still confused. He got up and left the room to go upstairs, leaving Amy and Ethan.

"How has he not had bubble tea? It's frickin' amazing!" Ethan still couldn't seem to comprehend this.

Amy shrugged, laughing a bit. "I don't know, but now he will.

Ethan smiled and leaned on the wall, looking upstairs. "Maaark, let's go!" He called up.

Mark stepped into view, glaring down at Ethan without a shirt on. "Hold on a second."

Ethan glanced away, nodding. "Alright, fine." He hoped he played that off well.

Mark stepped away again, presumably going to his room. About a minute later, he started to come downstairs, now with a new shirt on.

"Alright, who's driving?" Mark asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'll drive," Ethan offered, taking his keys out of his pocket.

"How about we make this a video?" Amy suggested. "You're here to record anyway, why not film Mark having bubble tea for the first time?"

Ethan looked at Mark, giving him a look. Mark shrugged and nodded to agree. Ethan looked back at Amy, smiling.

"I'll grab the camera," Amy said before getting up and leaving the room.

"Y'know, you live in L.A., how have you not had bubble tea?" Ethan asked, turning to Mark again.

Mark shrugged. "Never thought of it, I guess. What's so special about it, anyway?" He asked.

Ethan gasped, faking offense. "Mark! How could you?" He asked, squinting his eyes at Mark.

"Oh, shut up," Mark chuckled, nudging Ethan with his elbow. "I'm serious, what's the deal with it?"

Ethan shrugged a bit. "They blend some ingredients together and toss some tapioca balls at the bottom. It's really good, I like the matchabboba tea," he explained, smiling. "You might like the strawberry one, it's pretty good."

Mark nodded a bit. "I'll try that one then." He smiled at Ethan as if to thank him.

"Alright, I've got my camera and a GoPro for you guys in the front seat. We good to go?" Amy asked, walking in. She handed Mark the GoPro, holding her camera at her side carefully.

"Yeah, lets go," Ethan spoke, pulling his keys out of his pocket.

The trio walked outside to the car, saying quick goodbyes to the dogs. They got in the car, Ethan in the drivers seat, Mark in the passenger, and Amy in the back to film.

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