the last show

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continuation of 'the tour bus'

"Alright everyone this is sadly the end of our show," Mark announced sadly, standing in the middle of the stage with everyone. "I'd like to thank everyone that came to see all of our shows, but I'd also like to announce a surprise to end this tour."

Ethan looked over, smiling at Mark. He had been waiting for this moment for the whole show. He also knew what the plan was here, so he let Mark get on with it.

"First up, Amy and Kathryn, could you two lovelies get up here?" Mark asked, turning around to see the girls. He smiled and gave them the stage.

The girls talked for a bit before saying that they were together, earning huge amounts of support from everyone. They walked back a bit and gave Mark the stage again.

"Now for the final, big reveal," Mark started. He glanced over at Ethan and smiled before stepping over and kissing him. The crowd cheered loudly, just happy to see this. Even the people that didn't really ship them.

They pulled away and put their arms around each other. Mark laughed a bit and just smiled at the crowd.

"Team Purple!" Ethan and Mark yelled together, putting their free arms up. The crowd cheered before everyone took a bow and ran off stage.

Backstage, Mark and Ethan sat behind a booth to give autographs and everything to fans. Everyone was happy to hear that the two were together finally.

Back on the bus, the happy couple was sitting on Mark's bunk chatting happily.

"I'm glad everyone was happy for us," Ethan said quietly, looking up at Mark.

"Yeah, me too. I didn't expect Twitter to blow up so quickly," Mark giggled, scrolling through his hundreds of notifications.

Ethan laughed a bit and smiled. "Same with mine," He chuckled, showing his Twitter feed too.

Mark turned his phone off and set it aside. "As long as they're all good, we're good," he stated quietly, leaning over and kissing Ethan. The two sat there for a moment before Amy yelled for them to go and play Five Things with everyone outside.

"Five things you would kiss?" Mark asked quietly.

"You, Markiplier, Mark Edward Fischbach, the normal version of Darkiplier, your lips," Ethan listed, giggling a bit.

Mark rolled his eyes and kissed his cheek. "Let's go before they think we're doing something we're not."

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