i'll make you feel better

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wc: 1977

this was super fun to write! cute fluffy stories like this are always a nice mood changer :)
also idea cred to Blondie309


Mark sighed and put the phone down as it went to voicemail for the fifth time in a row. He'd been trying to call and text Ethan for the past twenty minutes to see when they could record another video. He stuffed his phone in his pocket before grabbing his wallet and keys.

"Chica!" He called. He heard the pitter-patter of her nails against the ground as she walked towards him. Mark was getting his shoes on as Chica approached him, sniffing his face. "Hi Chica-Bica," he chuckled, standing up and grabbing her leash. "C'mon, let's go see your best friend, Spencer." Chica's tail was wagging as she saw the leash. She loved walks.

Mark quickly put the leash on her and took her for a short walk before getting her in his car. He drove to Ethan's house, arriving about five minutes later.

"Let's go, Chic," Mark spoke, getting out of the car and walking Chica to the door. He knocked on the door and waited, hearing Spencer inside barking. Chica looked at the door, curious, but she didn't bark back. She sat next to Mark as they waited. The door didn't open. Mark sighed and kneeled down, looking for the hidden key Ethan told him about. He found the rock and picked it up, grabbing the key from under it and opening the door.

Spencer ran to the door, barking before he saw Chica. Mark took off her leash and let them play.

"Ethan?" He called out, closing the door behind him. "Ethan, you okay?" No response. Mark made his way down to Ethan's recording room, finding it empty. He sighed and went upstairs and over to Ethan's room. The door was closed, so he knocked. "Ethan, you in here?" He asked. He heard a sniffle and some shuffling before the door opened.

Ethan's eyes were puffy, tearstains were down his cheeks, and he overall looked like a mess.

Mark frowned slightly. "Hey, come here," he spoke, opening his arms a bit. Ethan caved in and just hugged Mark, standing there in the doorway. Ethan shuddered slightly and Mark heard quiet sobs. "Hey, it's okay," he whispered, running his hand up and down Ethan's back to try and comfort him. "It's okay." After a few moments, Ethan pulled away, wiping his face.

"Fuck, I-I'm sorry. I got your shirt wet," he apologized, sniffling at the end.

Mark glanced at his shirt before shrugging. "It's fine, don't worry about it. What's wrong?" He asked.

Ethan took a moment to calm himself before speaking. "One of my, uh, favorite cousins got in a car accident yesterday. He uh..." He trailed off, lips trembling.

Mark stepped forward and gently hugged Ethan again. "It's alright, I'm here for you," he spoke. "If you can't be with your family right now, I'll be here." He felt Ethan nod slightly. He pulled away and kept his hands on Ethan's shoulders. "I have an idea- can you stay here and watch Chica for a bit? I won't be long." Mark smiled to assure Ethan.

Ethan nodded, wiping his face again. "Okay."

Mark smiled wider and gently pat Ethan's shoulder. "Thanks, man. Like I said, I won't be long." He backed out before walking down the hall.

Ethan stepped out of his room and started walking down the hall to get downstairs as he heard the front door open and close as Mark left. Ethan went downstairs, finding Chica and Spencer playing in the living room. He smiled softly and walked over to them, sitting on a couch and petting them as they came over to him. He turned the TV on and laid down, Spencer hopping onto the couch and laying next to him. Chica flopped down on the floor next to the couch. He put on a random show and just pet Spencer to pass time. After about twenty minutes, there was a knock on the door. The dogs immediately barked, hopping up and walking around. Ethan got up and opened the door to Mark holding a couple of bags.

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